Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network


pray for all people

  • walking through life that i have seen that people that are not sure where to turn or how to ask for help that we all need to pray for them. even if they do not want to be prayed for we need to, we all need help, from the president of the united ststes to the pope, every one of us,needs GODS hands in our hands helping us to find our way in the life.SO OUR GOD IN HEAVEN PLEASE HELP EACH AND EVER SINNER IN THIS WORLD, WE ALL NEED YOUR HELP AND GUIDNESS, TO DO YOU WILL EACH AND EVERY DAY. PLEASE HELP THOSES THAT CAN NOT HELP THEM SELVES.GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO GO ON EACH AND EVERY DAY. WITH YOU WE ARE HAPPY AND HEALTHY, AND EVEN IF OUR DAY IS NOT GOING THE WAY WE WANT WE HAVE YOUR LOVE TO HELP US COPE. WITH OUT YOU WE ARE JUST A SHELL , NO BODY WITH IN THE SHELL. WE NEED YOU AND YOUR LOVE , PKLEASE HELP THOSES THAT ARE NOT SURE OF HOW TO LIVE AND HOW TO LOVE YOU . IN GODS NAME WE PRAY .  AMEN