Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tabitha VonKuhlmann


  • Love is such a wonderous thing.

    In this world, where it seems that chaos is all around, we know that if we have love in our lives, we can weather any storm. People spend their whole lives searching for that one perfect love and then, sometimes, when they find it, they don't even see it there....and so they continue searching. Love doesn't always come in neat, tidy, pretty packages; sometimes, it comes in messy, dirty, unkempt packages and so, we let it pass us by and then we wonder why love has not come along.

    Life is not a movie, a romance novel or a television show. Our problems are not summed up and cleaned up in one hour (with limited commercial interuptions).....Life is a magnificant, powerful, amazing journey....a journey that is best taken with a sense of amazement and moments of having your breath taken away.