Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Bill McMillan

The rules: Keep it Clean

  • I have not been a member of this site very long, but I have already received more than a dozen solicitations (three just today alone) from women on this site that are sexually oriented.  I have changed my profile to indicate that  am not  "okay" with this. 

    Am I unique in this?  Is anyone else receiving these solicitations? And why only from women?  What is it about the internet tthat seems to invite sexual solicitations, no matter what the website's purpose is for?

    Or am I just being over sensitive to this?

  • Mark Robinson
    Mark Robinson Yah, me too (I think). . .I never followed up on them, because a) I never heard of the senders, and b)it all just sounded, well, wierd. Why would there be sexual predators on this of all sites? Dear Jesus, we are all the LAST people who would get caught...  more
    September 19, 2010
  • Sheila Roberts-Owen
    Sheila Roberts-Owen No you are not being sensitive...its sad...with high great, our technological advances are...we still have that element in our society that will always use this forum for something negative..and they will truly try us..because of the nature of the busines...  more
    September 19, 2010
  • Mark Noeth O.D.H., Esoteric Theorist and Practioner
    Mark Noeth O.D.H., Esoteric Theorist and Practioner I got some too.......
    September 19, 2010
  • Rev. Vernon (VJ) Wieder
    Rev. Vernon (VJ) Wieder I received 3 solicitations in the last 2 days.
    September 18, 2010