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Kent Yunk

Communing with the infinite

  • I need to meditate. You see what I experience when I quiet my mind and open my heart to the greater experience of life is nothing short of rejuvenating. Of late it seems that there is very little time to devote to meditation. This is so frustrating since the one of the main benefits of meditation is to be free of frustration.

    Do you meditate? It does not matter the form whether singing in the shower, pausing with your child to watch them play, listening to the birds in the morning or losing yourself to music and exercise, it really does not matter how you connect with the infinite just that you do it. I view this action of meditation as love for oneself and love for the world. I say love because for me everything in my outer world seems to smooth out and there is an experience of perfect order in all that happen before me. My interpretation of this experience is that I am choosing to bring a spiritual world into my secular now.

    Consider taking time to meditate and bring more love for yourself and the world into the now.

    Peace be with you.