Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

NCO, Father Carl

Non friends

  • So another day and Yes I managed to offend someone here on the ULCM, But they were offended because I posted something about the parts or the QUR'AN, and because I had a picture of a rebel flag as my profile picture, (Which I have taken down) Now I dont hate Muslims in general but I do hate Radical Muslims who kill with out reason, The idea that I can not say that on this site has me somewhat distrubed because I always thought here in America we had the freedom of speech and the right to say what we eanted as long as it was not a threat, or intended as a threat!


    However there are Ministers on this site that think they have the right to start trouble with me for posting my opinions, And that is not the way it is supposed to be.

    We come here to learn from each other, to learn about different religions and if we cant say our opinion then how in the heck can we learn?

    One must understand that with out the ability to speak our minds we can never enter into any type of discussion that might just give us some knowledge about anothers religion.


    I have been on this site for a long time and it has changed many times over as Ministers have come and gone, but the general principal that it is an interfaith site is still the same, I think well I hope.

    I do not post to offend anyone I post to see others reactions so that I can learn from them, I do not sit back bitting my lip I speak my mind and it seems that doing so makes me the bad guy.


    I post funny pictures and get reported for it, when all I am doing is giving others something to laugh at. maybe making their day just a little better

    What has this world come to when we who live in the land of the free can not act as the free and speak our minds?

    What is the point of being here on this site if we can not discuss our opinions and learn from each other.

    A great quote said " We will not go silently into the night" and neither will I until I am dead and gone.

    I hope this does not offend anyone as that is not my intention!