Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Suzanne Ranu

I am one.

  • Over the past week several things have happened in my life that I have not shared with anyone not one person. I felt the need yesterday to go to my special place to think on these things and hopefully get the answers that I need.  The peacefulness of that place always puts my mind at rest so I can hear the answers.  I usually chant the following: 


    I am one with the people, I am one with the Creator, I am one with the people,  I am one with the earth, I am one with the people, I am one with the air, I am one with the people, I am one with the sun, I am one with the people, I am one with the water, I am one with the people and so on. 


    After pondering on these things I knew the answers, some I did not like,  some I did.  As I left that place, I knew what had to be done.  Though not easy it will be done it is only right that I listen and do as told.


    As I headed home, I praised the Creator for giving me such a place to quiet my mind and let me listen to his voice.


    I hope you all have a place to quiet your mind and listen.


    Blessings to you all.

  • Reverend Rosemarie Mohr
    Reverend Rosemarie Mohr I hope everything is okay, my answer was to journey (at the advice of my shaman) and two other trusted friends...Their prayers and counsel seemed to have worked because the journey (s) went well...I am much more peaceful now....I hope you found your answe...  more
    June 6, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu Yes I journeyed, prayed and meditated on this and finally went to my place. The answers were all the same. You are right once you see what you must do you become peaceful.
    June 6, 2011
  • Jacinta Moore
    Jacinta Moore I find myself drawn more and more to this worldview of oneness. The idea of everything, myself included, being whole and connected. I am also finding myself more and more drawn to the idea of navigation as a metaphor for living life. Moving purposefull...  more
    September 2, 2015 - 1 likes this