Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Suzanne Ranu

Good Day.

  • Sometimes you wonder what is going on in your own little world... You go to work, visit friends, family and go on about your life and then you get that phone call.  Now I am not talking about anything bad happening but the call from out of nowhere from someone you have not talked to, I mean really talked to in long time.. Never knew why they avoided you they just did and when you had to talk to them they acted like a stranger... Well my friend (I will call her Sally) called today as she needed some help and was wondering if I could come over and do Reiki on her... I went and at the end of the session we had coffee and she admitted that she was acting funny because  many months ago she told me something that she was embarrassed about and felt she would never feel comfortable with me again .. I told Sally that I never thought anything less of her nor would I, that conversation was between us and went no further and that I thought of her as a true friend and was very hurt by the way she had been ignoring me and treating me like a stranger...After much discussion and laughter we came to the understanding that even when things happen that make us uncomfortable if you are truly a friend you think no less of that person and are always there for them... So for me, today was a good day...

