Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pharoh Ahaya

Meds and You...and Your God


    Peaceful greetings to all

    ...and of course congratulations to any and all who have come through the dreary, heavy fog of drug (prescription or otherwise) dependencies.

    That's by the way, what my post is about today: medications, you and God____. I left a blank after "God" because everyone has their own name for source/ultimate/highest, etc.  I like to speak in facts, as that is what true healer and naturopath must do.  Facts show that prescription medications are toxic regardless of the amount ingested.

                 The level of toxicity that any individual can sustain depends on a variety of factors such as age, weight, gender, diet, stress factors, just to name a few.  Nature can teach us a lot of things about toxins.  For example, a poison in nature is usually masked or embedded in something else, such as arsenic embedded in asparagus.  But once the toxin is extracted, isolated or concentrated then it becomes a poison. 

                 Now here's where I get abstract.  If your God wants you to be in optimum health because this is the state of being where one can actually focus as well as be open to learning, knowing, and giving, then would your God encourage you to impeded that optimum health by ingesting a substance that is going to not only deplete your health but also stifle your mental access to him/her/it as well as your fellow man & woman?   Long question but one no doubt many have asked themselves before, during or after being addicted to prescription medications, especially those that alter the mind which of course alter the biochemistry of the body.

              There is a universal law that states do no harm unless in defense of impending and immediate harm to innocent person. Toxins in the form of prescription drugs sound like they violate universal law because they all have side effects.  And make no mistake about it, there are no such things as side effects. A side effect IS an effect. They are deliberately and appropriately given the parameter prefix "side" so that we let our guard down thinking these are smaller, potential effects of a drug. 
              Now this is not a blog post denouncing the efficacy of some prescription medications, but, by no means am I letting drugs off the hook.  When I said all prescription drugs are toxins with the potential to be come poisons, I meant just that.  To readily without information, ingest any poison,toxin, etc, is to defeat the purpose of knowing.  A benevolent God wants those who seek the truth to find and know the truth.  If a medication is not offering you truth in wording nor truth in purpose, then it violates a principle that is inherent in any faith.  Unless of course one's faith promotes suicide.... In which case, toxic meds should be part of that church's sacraments.  Sarcasm aside, know that drugs or medications by any other are all designed to be ingested in some way so that they enter the body.  And was it not, according to a very famous story in the Bible, the ingesting something that wreaked havoc on the human body? 


    By the way, food is also medicine.

    Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my podisode every Sunday at around this time on my site PharohsHouse.com

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