Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Lisa Taylor

Little Help Goes A Long Way !

  • It has come to my attention that there are members on ULC that have decided to e-mail new members to bad mouth other members on this site for some reason or another, If this is indeed happening , you can copy and paste those e-mails and send them right to the Admin , It will be better if you visit the profile of said person or people depending on how many has been doing this, click on report , paste copy of e-mail in the box that will show up and it will go directly to the Admin on this site.( I encourage people to not take this lightly from any member on this site.)  Now this blog  does not apply to those that do not give a flying F*** what I may have to say, yes your correct ,you know who i am talking about, So Please feel free to stop reading at this point because it should not matter in the least what I write anyway. This has been a major problem over the last few years that I have seen on this site. Not only do you have those that want to warn new members about another member, there are spammers overloading the boards and there are what one may have noticed the term trolls being used, this is when a person will search out random post and comment on them to stir up a fight to entertain them self . Some of these trolls will harass one certain person by commenting on any and every post this person submits in order to 1. Bully the person posting to get them to stop posting about their belief 2. To gain attention because when they their self post to the main boards most will skip the post because their not interested in feeding the troll or have them blocked, ( this can be done in the same way of reporting them, by going to the offenders profile and clicking Block and take the opportunity to also report them ) Do not confuse the troll with someone that is legit in commenting on ones post, if one has the benefit of  meeting a troll one will know the difference between the two.  At the top of the page you will notice that one can browse groups and become members of these groups by being invited and or click join group. this can be confusing for some because when posting within the group of ones choosing it will post on the main boards with an arrow pointing to the name of the group, when one see's this on the main board other none members of the group and or trolls may get offended and add a comment to this post when in reality does not apply to them. The same can be said to members posting comments to another member on their personal wall , these post will show up on the main board with the name of the person posting and arrow to the person their posting to. If this happens one has the option to delete comments made unnecessarily on a personal or group post,( but I do personally encourage the copy and paste method and report the offenders ) To Delete a comment just go to the comment the person made and a little x will show in the upper right hand corner of the box, click it and it will delete it from the thread. Now Polls are something one can create and is generally open to anyone to comment on unless other wise it is stated  to a certain faith or group of people. same method can be applied by the owner of these polls as seen above. Blogs are your personal creations that will be read by any and or every member on ULC, it is subject to general public to read and comment on, remember however one does have the right to control the blog by fixing it to no comments allowed button and or using same methods as stated above. This also applies to any picture one may choose to submit on this site. I also encourage new and old members to read the terms of service located at the bottom of the page on the main board, it will help one to determine what is acceptable and what is not on this site. There are steps each one of us can take to insure we all have an enjoyable experience so please remember that before getting frustrated and leaving ULC. If one is addressed on their wall, post or e-mail that the terms and what you say is subject to interpretation by the reader then copy paste the conversation to an admin and allow them to decide what their interpretation is and deal with it as they see fit, this is why they are on this site and will be more than willing to help anyone with problems no matter what they may be.
                   I Hope This Helps Others And Thank You For Your Time .