Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Lisa Taylor


  •    Hello , My name is  Rev.Lisa Taylor, Most of you know me, very few know me well, This is by my choice for reasons that will come clear to those that do not know them yet, After spending time on the boards here on ULC  some will notice certain patterns of others that tend to be very opinionated on post   , There are a few that will tell you what you believe is a bunch of crock, and go as far as trying to tell others some things that they think they might know about you personally, then there is the ones that try and be what they clearly are not. This is not here nor there , I am going to share a tiny part of me and in order to do so I have to introduce to you someone that has been dragged through the mud on ULC and even off this site for that matter, because of personal reasons that are unclear at this point and probably never will be truly understood. This person is Bishop Michael Collins-Windsor. I am not associated with his church in any way shape or form, I have not nor will I ever want anything from this man . He owes me nothing and I owe him nothing , His love is freely given , and in return I give him my unconditional  love , his family and my family are as one and forged bonds that will not be broken . I will not apologize nor will I tolerate accusations upon his good standing, because what is wrong done to him and his family is wrong done to me and my family. This is a true example of real friendship at its finest, So take a good look and read on !. My Husband passed a way three years ago, Anyone that has known  grief of the loss of a spouse will understand and those that have not won't and I pray you never have to endure it. There are emotions that will eat a person up from the inside out, they may not be aware of what they are doing and not realize just how far they withdrawal within their self, hiding behind a fake smile,every waken moment is filled with making others happy so they never feel as you do and the jokes to mask the pain. So much So that one even becomes good at fooling their family that are around on a daily bases, but when the net is turned off , the phones are silent and the lights go out is when one can not hold off the thoughts any longer and its like nothing anyone can describe to another human on this earth. Little bit by little bit every night a piece of you shuts down, closes off and you begin to die slowly, you also can not see what is right in front of you.( Then it really gets hard ) Someone comes along and all of a sudden the game changes, the guilt sets in and a whole new flood of emotions hit you hard right in the middle of your chest, not much to do but to push that pain deep down inside and try not to let them push into your thoughts, most feel like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, frozen to the spot, not knowing which way to run and then giving up stand there and wait for the impact that one knows is coming.  Death is more appealing than the thought of the new set of emotions ripping your heart apart. This is the real me, the little part of me I have decided to share with all of you , A few days ago I was in a huge melt down over this new equation to my life . I was having a conversation with Michael, nothing really to revile what i was going through , keeping it light throwing jokes around then i replied something off handed to something he had said. He didn't reply but however within seconds was on the phone and his first of many words to me was," I know what your doing." and followed up with describing every single second of my last three years. This beautiful man spent hours upon hours comforting me well into the wee hours of the morning knowing full well he had a sermon to deliver with less than a few hours to get ready but that was not his concern in the least, I was his concern, This very well does not sound like the person some describe him to be like, and just maybe it is because those people do not know the real Michael as I do. this man helped me to identify my pain and has been there helping me every step of the way as I work through so many emotions , some are bad and some are like a breath of fresh air on my lungs that have been denied for so long. He did not do this for any personal gain, He did it unselfishly in order to bring me closer not to him but to bring me closer to someone else that in their own right displays many of the same admirable qualities as I find in Michael, No I am not sharing that little bit of me with all of you but he did not deserve being knocked down time after time and with all his unquestionable inquiries , patiently waiting and the understanding after I was able to be honest to myself and to him,  he is still standing strong  and it is beyond me how he did it or even why, But I am very thankful he didn't give up. These two men earned my respect the hard way and I am sure we will have many more years filled with moments between us as well as we have had in the past that will not be shared with all of you that is reading this blog. But I have allowed you all a little tiny glimpse of the real people including myself that visit this site, Anyone that disrespects another and I witness it be ready for I shall repay the unthinkable acts by praying for your soul regardless of the faith no matter how much it might be disgusting to the offender or how much one protest  , your name will pass my lips in the name of Jesus Christ. Each and every one of you that have offended do not deserve any further explanations and are not privy to any ones personal Life but your own unless one is willing to share it with you. Some will say this is not very Christian like, but that is far from the truth , This is what a true real Christian is, My words are harsh , My Anger is Strong , and I protect what I love from those that mean to destroy it, and I forgive. Thank you for allowing me to reintroduce myself to you all.