Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Lisa Taylor

Something to think about

  • I find it ironic to see such finger pointing and accusations of no equality on a website (that its intent is universal ) between Christian and non Christian , I am Christian and what I see most of all isn't a matter of equality , it is a matter of a handful of Christians that are proactive and diligent in posting scriptures that they as Christians want to share. I also see less than a handful non Christians proactive and diligent on posting about their belief, it's not that non Christians are not equal on the boards and people are quick to say the site is bias but the reality is the non Christians are not as proactive on this site, who is to blame ? Certainly not the site or the Christians but the fault lands at the feet of those that choose not to be productive or proactive , this is on both sides the fence. Sure you get a bad apple now and again from both carts but it doesn't mean the rest are bad. Yes there was a problem with someone using scriptures and it wasn't even the full scripture to bait and downgrade others not too long ago but if I recall Christian and non Christian alike stood up and said no more on those threads. I was one of them, it doesn't matter a persons race , religion , lack of religion or sexual assignment ,when a person is being nonproductive down right nasty to another human then it's based on just that an ass and sometimes a ass is just an ass and will never achieve respect no matter how much they complain that just because of their religion Their being attacked . Think about it because on that subject alone the board has been down right equal in the complaints, some true and some not so true but none the less pretty equal. Don't use your religion in such a manner to hurt a person or group of people , use it to teach with as it is intended. While I am on this subject I have also noticed a handful that scream the admin are bias on this site , has it ever accrued to you that they have a job to carry out and sometimes it's not a pleasant one but however there is a chain of command, rules and terms the owner of this site wants followed for the purpose of staying on this side of the legal lines . It is not very complicated to figure out , there was a post from brother Pluto about no more politics shared on the main boards , this was also followed by specific instructions on how to open a group and use the discussion function so that it remains in the group and will not been seen on the main boards , now this was an outrage to a handful that decided to post how unfair it was to have politics banned and their first amendment rights have been trampled. No I'm afraid politics have not been banned from this site, only asked that it be kept off the main boards. It isn't an unreasonable request nor is it unreasonable to be asked to keep the childish behavior off the main boards , but now and again a few need to show their backside and people will show their united in saying enough is enough . This is a real problem and has been for a long time, remember one thing and it is the most important thing to remember about this site, it was created by the owner for us to enjoy and use so let's try to respect those that work on this site as well as the terms and any reasonable request they ask of us ..... Thank you for your time it took for you to read this blog and maybe you will get something out of it.