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Rev. Lisa Taylor

Healthy Relationship part two

  • Oh the joy ! By now one is wondering and a little on edge because they think this is a male bashing story , I'm afraid it is far from it and you guys out there listen up because like a coin it has two sides and yes you do find it relates even to your life right now so don't roll your eyes at me. , It just is syndrome is not sex biassed, Some of us are confused as to what a healthy relationship is , by the world wide search of the Internet one comes up with all sorts of descriptions , put that out of your head right now ( guys stop reading for a minute ) women put that romance novel in the trash , as entertaining as those are its not reality nor very honest , ok guys you may continue to read now , where did I leave off , oh that's right long term bounded relationship , this gets very juicy at this point of the ride , so hands in the air put on your bestest bravest face you can muster and try not to scream , but if you do it's ok I will understand :) so over a course of a long 10 year period and after the loss of my late husband I move back to this small community I'm currently living now, it has its own roller coaster type of feel, but mostly friendly with a dash of excitement now and again. Upon my returning I was greeted with some new older faces that were just babies when I had left, then there was my old time friends one by one reconnection was made. It was like I never left but some people do change with time, could be by life trials that is to blame, anyway got off track there for a second, about 6 months back home I went to check the mail at the post office, as I was driving my eyes happen to fall upon one of these old friends that I hadn't ran into as of yet, a smile played across my lips when they took a second look and it registered just whom they just seen pass by them. Wanna know what a priceless moment is ? That very moment frozen in time. Folks got to remember 20 years back this friend and I were tight as two peas in a pod, if something was going down or up for that matter we both knew about it and more than likely one or the other was involved in the scandal , ok not the correct word to use but one of us was the cause of it, truthful as day is long and boy back then those days never ended lol , little did anyone know about the relationship between us and little am I telling now , Ha Ha oh yeah some of you got your minds twisted up and heading toward the nasty side of things but stop now because that's not how this plays out , I'm not going to name names or events that took place in order to keep some of the mystery to those that know already and keep those that don't in the dark , lolol didn't make the cut I'm afraid but don't stop reading cause its got a point, also gonna really show some light on what a healthy relationship is all about. I was still messed up and grieving for my loss , so I stayed to myself just outside of town, then things slowly changed day by day , more trips to town until one day my daughter and I decided to buy a house within the community. I really never thought about it much because as we all know I'm one of those that allow my actions to be directed by prayer and heart, what others thought never ever play any part in my life. I have to jump back about 20 years ago when this friend and I first met, I was very married, very busy with children, very busy coaching youth basketball , to make the list short I was as I am now everything to everyone with very little alone time at all. So on this certain odd day I was hot and sweaty after helping an older gentleman out with some yearlings , I was heading home and a body of water caught my attention , hey out here no one around what's it gonna hurt , Well you know where my mind was and dang sure didn't worry much on unseen things , turns out one of those unseen thing was no one other than the other in this healthy relationship , i froze in mid stroke a bit of fear took hold when a voice out oh nowhere ,says ,Miss ahh your ahh hell you ain't got clothes on , I swung around to face this intruder head on, my modesty was still intact but it was very clear wasn't gonna stay that way seeing this stranger was between me and my clothes , when my eyes focused on this rude intruders face ,the look I gave them was enough that they remembered their manners and turned their back on me, but still between me and my dang clothes, we asked a few questions and both gave our answers and he still didn't move, so now least we know who each other was and what brought us to be in this odd stand off , I happen to of stumbled on this persons pond he uses quite often in the same manner that well I was occupying it at the time, What are the odds ? Now in my mind I'm thinking lord you put me here for a reason in this very state of venerability, what the heck ? Ahhh see caught your attention now, I warned you it was a wild ride and not what you all think its about ( it just is )...... But still there is a lesson in all this !