Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Lisa Taylor

A Touch of Reality

  • I had posted something that was really a post to make one think about the actions some of us have here on ULC site, I want to thank those that responded to the post. Some times people are not what they seem to be, they promote brotherly and sisterly love but attach conditions of their own to their friendships, and relationships towards their fellow humans. Granted that some are not even aware of this conditional behavior but there are a few that are and disregard it and make up excuses as to why their behavior is as such, Maybe laying blame to disagreements and personality differences , religion fall out, or lack of it. I would have to agree it is easy to fall in that category at one point or another. Now IMHO and this is the hard part for some of us to understand and it is perfectly fine that one does not grasp the full of it now because we all will in the end. When one considers all others as their brother or sister unconditional it means just that, regardless if one disagrees with the others views, religion, behavior, life style and too many others to list. Those very reasons are the foundation for implementing self awareness. Maybe we all can benefit from thinking about things before we put conditions on others as well as on our self, this does not mean we are not suppose to disagree, or dislike someones behavior and actions but it does mean if one does indeed consider everyone as their sisters and brothers that we do love one another not conditional or limited but absolute. This is a simple reminder before one promotes a belief to make sure one try's said shoe on before one try's to take a step in them because if one does not it is inevitable that one will trip and fall.