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Rev. Lisa Taylor

Something to Think about Part 2

  • Their was quite a few comments on the first part that would be flattering, some that would hold true and others I feel was not so honest.

    Now to finish part two: I have many bank accounts  across the country, I own many business, I have invested in many  financial adventures . I lavish family and friends with expensive gifts.  I have thousands of employes working for me. It seems that I have continued by others opinion to be selfish only wanting more financial wealth to add to my already swollen accounts that I probably will never see the end of in my life time.

    Have I changed?, Have I Lost my values now?

    During what seems to be a whirlwind of financial gain , spending sprees , trips, and houses , I can understand in how it would look to those that do not have the opportunity to experience such wealth and can only dream of ways that all of it could be used to help others. During this whole experiment I had stated spending, hiring teams of professionals, exposing family to different cultures, and making more money.

    The part many do not see nor do one hears  :

    I made the continuous effort to not expose my finances to others, while trying to take care of my families needs. There were ten houses in our town that were repaired, 22 scholarships offered to graduates in the name of various colleges , 6 different programs formed and put in place, The accounts I have are set up to fund various non profit  foundations of others and one of my own making , hundreds if not thousands will be helped through these foundations alone for many years to come, and I did this all anonymously . Enduring accusations from many in order to keep my family safe.

    Prejudice and the Law of Love

    2:1 My brothers and sisters, do not show prejudice if you possess faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. 2:2 For if someone comes into your assembly wearing a gold ring and fine clothing, and a poor person enters in filthy clothes, 2:3 do you pay attention to the one who is finely dressed and say, “You sit here in a good place,” and to the poor person, “You stand over there,” or “Sit on the floor”? 2:4 If so, have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil motives? 2:5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters! Did not God choose the poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him? 2:6 But you have dishonored the poor! Are not the rich oppressing you and dragging you into the courts? 2:7 Do they not blaspheme the good name of the one you belong to? 2:8 But if you fulfill the royal law as expressed in this scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. 2:9 But if you show prejudice, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as violators. 2:10 For the one who obeys the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. 2:11 For he who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a violator of the law. 2:12 Speak and act as those who will be judged by a law that gives freedom. 2:13 For judgment is merciless for the one who has shown no mercy. But mercy triumphs over judgment.
                                       (James 2:1-2:13)

    We as of flesh here on earth, tend to judge on hear say as well as assumption and on appearances. We continue to fall to the green eyed monster too quickly, We cause harm by our actions that very well may be provoked easily by others. Only a handful that commented made the choice to form an opinion by what they know about my morals, and my natural human characteristic's that I display through socializing with them. Yet there are some of us that have read what was posted forms a opinion purely based on just half of what makes up the whole of the story . It is not isolated just to social networks but also through town gossip ,as well our media coverage that many believe to be the whole truth. It should not matter what anyone thinks of the life one leads, nor judge one by the company one keeps nor how one dresses and most of all by what one hears. Because unless a person knows the whole truth, one can only form opinions based on half truths that will not be worth its grain of salt. But sadly this is how a lot of people conduct their actions and opinions and in which in some cases cause extremely harmful ripples through out. Does it matter if a person is born into money, does that change who they may be? Does it matter if one is born into poverty ? does that change who they may be? It is clear by some of the postings I have read that NO it does not matter .

    Thank You again for the ones that have took the time to comment and I hope this blog helps others to understand it does not matter how a gift is wrapped nor the gift but the meaning it stands for... 

  • Christl Buskohl
    Christl Buskohl You are awesome, and I am grateful for your teaching, Lisa. I am going to reflect for a moment. I was raised in middle class, Air Force Officer, mostly during the Vietnam War era. While we never "wanted" for anything, we did not by any means have whate...  more
    April 16, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Christl Buskohl
    Christl Buskohl My children did not know they were "poor" as they grew up. They had bikes, clean well kept clothes, food always in the house, their friends could come over and play games, the house was always clean. I got a dual bachelor's degree, swearing that my chil...  more
    April 16, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Christl Buskohl
    Christl Buskohl As I stated in my postings in the first part of this, I may be envious at times, wishing my life and my children's lives were easier by having some wealth I have seen others have. But I have never begrudged another their wealth. I have a family that lov...  more
    April 16, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Mark Noeth O.D.H., Esoteric Theorist and Practioner
    Mark Noeth O.D.H., Esoteric Theorist and Practioner It is wonderful in what you are doing with wealth. Not everyone with wealth does this at all. In the original blog you never stated "Making more money." I would comment on that, but at this time choose not to. I would not change my original comment and fo...  more
    April 16, 2012 - 1 likes this