Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jim Roebuck

Please pray

  • I am making a general request...I am sitting here 4 feet away from my best friend who is dying of ovarian cancer. We moved to her hospice care on Thursday, July 3rd. Monday July 7th is her 44th birthday. I so wish there would be a 45th! But, as much as we want it, it will most likely not be. I ask all of you, regardless of your personal beliefs, send prayers to her. Her name is Tracy and she is in Lawton, OK. She is and always has been such a big hearted woman. This is not fair to her, her parents or her daughter. Thank you and may all be blessed with the best possible health.


    Maybe not so much a blog as a request. Donations will be accepted to assist her family with the medical bills. Thank you all, again.

  • Ken Van Wie
    Ken Van Wie May the Peace of God comfort you all in your time of need. Never give up on the power of Prayer. God is good, all the time. Know that He is working on Tracy right now. He has heard your cries and His Plan is already started. Believe and have Faith. Praise...  more
    July 5, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • john jope
    john jope Our dear and loving God has plans for each of us, plans we are not privy to. Both you and your friend are in my prayers in this, your time of need.
    July 6, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Archbishop Tom Thunderhorse D.D. NCO, U.L.C.M.
    Archbishop Tom Thunderhorse D.D. NCO, U.L.C.M. LORE GOD of the universe, we come together to ask for healing for Jim Debuck's lady friend. We know that if we believe in faith as a little child, you will hear our prayer for healing. So, in the Name of Jesus, let be healed according to our faith. Amen.
    July 9, 2014 - 1 likes this