Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jim Roebuck

Interet Blacklist

  • America  needs your help. Our wonderful government is trying to censor another part of our lives by taking away yet another of our freedoms. This time it is the Internet Blacklist Legislation. This legislation would take away YOUR RIGHTS AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN by censoring your freedom of speech. You would not be able to post anything speeking out against our government. Opposed to war? Too bad. You would have to keep it to yourself. Don't like the jobless rate or the homeless rate in this country? Again, too bad.

    Our rights are being taken away from us a little at a time. Some are done in the name of Homeland Security. Some is done to save our mortal souls. In any case we must put a stop to this before we are reduced to sheep. The day that restricts our freedom of speech and travel within the confines of the U.S. are is rapidly approaching. By taking away our rights one at a time they are systematicly destroying the very thing that this country is based on-freedom.

    There are things on the internet that are harmful. But not everything. Our government should not be able to tell us what we are allowed to see, watch, read or hear. They are already changing some of our American classic novels through censorship such as Tom Sawyer. So many of these politicans that are trying to pass these laws are some of the most guilty of doing exactly what they are publicly opposed to.

    I love this country and hate to see where we are heading. The internet is full of great information. This law would make web pages that we visit often (ie; Facebook, Myspace, etc.) off limits just because someone posted something that the government filter considered harmful and make it impossible for us to access. Whats next? If you post something the filter picks up are the Men In Black going to show up at your door and take you away? It could happen. All in the name of a safer America.

    If you agree or not but want to keep the internet free please visit https://eff.org/r.C8A. Let the powers that be know your feelings on this subject. Now, this is just my opinion and I feel I have every right to voice that opinion while I still can!

  • Rev. Dr. William Bailey, DD,MW,Metaphysician
  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu Thank you for posting and please keep us updated I will also go to that site.
    November 18, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett
    Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett Pretty much everything you have written on your pages is what I have been telling people, but no one comments back. They hear, but don't respond, why? because most or at least a good amount of people know it's true. People prefere to keep quite and preten...  more
    February 9, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett
    Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett Thank you Jim for the Invite. I will keep up with what is posted here. Thank you.
    February 9, 2012 - 1 likes this