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Jim Roebuck

Another Sad Day

  • Today is another sad day in Oklahoma. It is the day of services for the people who lost their lives in a plane crash (the second crash in 10 years). The crash claimed four lives including the Oklahoma State University girls basketball coach and his assistant.

    If this were not bad enough, the Westboro Baptist Church has plans to protest the services. These are the same people who make a name for themselves by protesting at the funerals of fallen American soldiers. The last time they were brave enough to set foot in this state should have taught them to steer clear of the Heartland.

    They now claim God has been punishing the residents here because of the warm greeting we presented them. All the tornados, earthquakes and the plane crash is all revenge. Really? Really?! Are you that egotistical?

    Don't believe me? Just go to their web site. http://www.godhatesfags.com/schedule.html. Yeah, you read that right. That is the domain name they choose to be out there on the World Wide Web. That should tell you who they are from the very beginning.

    Oklahoma is a very diverse state. All races, religions, creeds and sexual preferences call Oklahoma home. We do not always see eye to eye but nobody-and I mean NOBODY-messes with any of our people. Just think back to the Oklahoma City bombing. Everyone came together to leand a hand with the search and clean up efforts. We were all shocked, outraged, saddened and down right pissed off. More volunteers from every walk of life showed up to help dig or to just hand out food and drinks to the rescuers.


    We will stand together against this type of "cult" coming in again. They hide behind a religion and bully people into following them. I know hundreds of baptist followers that are outraged and embarrassed by them. BULLIES! And bullies never win without that power. Let's start an email blitz against them if you agree with me. Go to their site and let them know what you think. Tell your family and friends. Your hometown could be next on their list.

    WBC-you want something to protest? How about taking a trip to California and protesting the misappropriation of funds that has thrown the Crystal Cathidral into bankruptcy? Too close too home? Hmmmmmmm...

  • Rev. Rennae Ford-Roach
    Rev. Rennae Ford-Roach Its saddens me to hear about people hiding behind or using religious titles to say that what they're doing is appropriate. I know of a Pastor right here in DC that mistreats her children and says its in the name of GOD because they're little devils. The s...  more
    January 22, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Dana Thornton
    Dana Thornton Nothing about these people speak of My FATHER GOD or THE LORD JESUS! They might as well be the KKK!
    January 23, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett
    Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett I couldn't agree with you more Dana., and thank you for the invite Jim Roebuck. So glad I am reading all of it!!
    February 9, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Frances Dreger
    Frances Dreger This is a sad thing and "hate abounds" but perhaps, ignoring them would be more productive. I will not give them credence by going to their site. I would send them Love Unconditional and the "Silence Treatment". Why give them more fuel for their hatred. T...  more
    February 16, 2012 - 1 likes this