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Oracle C.T. Webb

MARRIAGE: Little things matter most

  • Sometimes it’s the little things that make a relationship soar to a blissful state. Life gets busy with work and kids and oftentimes our relationship gets neglected. It doesn’t require a lot of time to put some romance and fun back into a relationship, but it does take commitment and a little creativity.

    Here are some ideas that are sure to show your spouse that you not only love him/her, but that he/she is on your mind throughout the day. 

    Make your spouse a cup of coffee in the morning and bring it to him/her in the bed.
    Slip a love note into his/her car at night so they will see it in the morning.
    Book a night away for just the two of you, for a romantic evening.
    Have flowers delivered at work.
    Buy a little gift and set it on the bed.
    Write positive qualities about your spouse and give it to them.
    Rent a movie for just the two of you to watch. 
    Cook his/her favorite dinner.

    ©2010-2012 Minister Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved