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Oracle C.T. Webb


  • Sometimes we get to feeling down in life, or tend to overlook the positive and focus on the negative.  I remember going through a particularly difficult season of my life and it seemed like every time I would go to my best friend about my problems, she would tell me to make a gratitude list.  I didn’t want to. A big part of me just wanted to stay on the pity-pot, but I knew deep down she was right so I sat down and made a list of all the things I was grateful. I posted it on my wall and looked at it frequently.


    I realized that I was blessed beyond belief and I was allowing one or two things to distort my perception of my life.  I began saying thank you often and learned to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and foster a grateful heart.  Zig Ziglar nailed it when he said that, “Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.”

  • radar pangaean
    radar pangaean Michael, i've been watching the posts from this fine lady since i noticed her on the site. She's a perennially happy, positive, upbeat person, which tells me a lot about the vale of her approach to life, et alia.

    Claretta, you are a welcome addition her...  more
    September 16, 2011 - 2 like this
  • Oracle C.T. Webb
    Oracle C.T. Webb Thank you Bishop and radar for you kind words.
    September 16, 2011
  • radar pangaean
    radar pangaean LOL. Anybodt here will tell you i am NEVER 'kind'. A few will probably warn you (assuming they haven't already done so!) that i'm evil and vindictive LOL. But i just say what i think to be true, with neither intent to flatter or insult. you are objectivel...  more
    September 16, 2011
  • Oracle C.T. Webb
    Oracle C.T. Webb I think that if we are truly all children of the same universe, people have to embrace or at least be able to look at what they don't agree with. The people that have the time to tell me to beware of you are not the type I want to associate with - I can m...  more
    September 16, 2011