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Bill Duff

Thoughts on why I'm simple minded

  • My thoughts on Jan 23, 2011, 12:30 AM, right before I went to bed

     Preface:  I have been thinking a lot lately about what is happening to me physically.  I sense my body going through a change, which at times I define as degenerative, as I am feeling worse and worse.  Some of that is due to exercise at the Dojo, and the next day’s echo of the stress endured.  I have been thinking about what is going to happen in the future, how the Earth may change, and what that means for me and my family.  I watched the video on the woman doctor who had a stroke and described how the two sides of her brain worked.  I’ve seen many examples of NDE and these have made my mind spin even more.

     I guess my mind wants a simple answer to life’s reason d’etre, and the struggle to learn more, while keeping it simple has created another tug of war in my mind.  So, last night before I went to bed, the thought came to me that it HAS to be something simple.  Why?  Because there is no way I could ever devise, in my mind, creating a universe that moves as this one does.  Therefore, it can’t be in the cup in front of me!  : )  (Princess Bride)

     As long as we believe that we can figure things out, use our reasoning to find the solution to life, the universe and everything, by going outside the realm of ourselves, who we are, and thinking singly, ME, Why?, Who?, I know, then we are trying to raise ourselves up to the level of God, building a tower of babel so we can be like God, raise ourselves up to the highest level, in the meantime, forgetting who we are.   We are just a PART of it all, one spirit in a universe of billions.  We are a Child of Light, not the Light itself.  We are an intricate part of the Whole, and not a complete solution.  When we see ourselves as part of everything, we are humbled, and we see the blessing in this.  When we see ourselves as gods, we look away from the Universe as a Design to Perfection, and we see ourselves, imperfect and unwhole.  By doing this, we negate the balance we are to maintain on this planet and in the universe.  We are looking to what we want to be, but forgetting who we are at this moment.  And by forgetting who we are at this moment, we are not doing our part in the Universe.  It’s all about Balance!

     The Bible says, “Be ye like little children.”  Yes, has God not figured this whole thing out?  Is not every little thing taken care of?  We just need to understand that the world we live in is polar, … that bad things happen as well as good things.  That there is a sweet on one end and a sour on the other.  Balance!  And as long as we walk through life loving, there will be hate.  But as we focus on the loving, the hate will dissipate, not go away, just seem less important. It’s all about focus and balance!  Today!  : )