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Bill Duff

vasanta clause

  • In keeping with the time of year, this is the season from which all things sprung.  It is a time to consider and reconsider how the cycles of life progress, unless shortened or flattened by our own ignorance or lack of wisdom.  The times continue as though never bothered by our lack thereof, and so it is only fitting that a reminder be presented in which one may ponder what now begins and what now ends.

    Spring is a time of new growth, new planting, new beginnings.  Some things are entirely new, but some are only revisitings from last years cycle.  The things that were old had to die in order to make way for the new cycle of growth.  All of Nature and Mother Earth present this to us, year after year, giving us a guide to how things work.  And so it should be with us!

    We should let the old die away; all those thoughts that helped us to get to a better understanding of ourselves in order to grow, to produce fruit, and to become what we were intended to become.  We must learn to grow to great heights, like the Sequoia.  We must learn to flow like the Mississippi.  We must learn to rest like the Grand Canyon!  In imitating Nature, we imitate wisdom.

    In all of nature is the wisdom of the universe.  There is only a positive cycle of how things live and die and are reborn again to refresh, to live and gather more wisdom.  As nature lives with itself, we too must learn to live with ourselves.  We must know who we are, and what our purpose is.  We must learn to live with one another.  Each has a different purpose and each its own beauty.  Learn to cherish the beauty of this world. 

    What does it matter what each of us believe?  It is part of our nature to believe something.  It is all here for us to coexist with and understand as part of Nature.  The fact that a sparrow and a crow are birds does not make them unfriendly toward each other, unless one of them attacks the other. In Nature, each has their role and their life to live.  So should we!  We should be quick to remember the cycles of life, that all things go round and round.  And we should remember that as different souls and different people, others are here for us in one purpose only: for us to love.

    So this new season of growth, prune away the old branches of prejudice, hatefulness, judgments, comparison, looking at dead branches, and see the new life, the buds of love and compassion, and give it a chance to grow and change the scenery of the world!  Look forward, angels, and look not behind.

    (I found this poem, written by an angel who didn’t leave their name so I can’t give them credit but can only say, thank you!)

    Look forward angel, not back at the past
    at ghosts of the things that need never last.
    Fear not the pain that haunts what has been
    for it has not the power to hurt you again.

    No, life is not fair or even or just
    but what has passed by soon turns to dust.
    Find strength in your vision of who you will be.
    Set sail to your future, a new world to see.

    Look forward angel
    look forward now
    rise from the ashes
    show the world how

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