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Kathaleen Groomes

Love Energy

  • Love is the strongest force in the Universe. It is our essence, our natural rhythm, and our purpose. Our natural state of being is one of Love and wonder: when children are brought into the world, they are innocent, and Love everyone and everything without question. It is not until the adults in their lives show them negativity that they are even aware that it exists. Unfortunately, most people don't know that they are misguiding their children, and believe that they are preparing them for the “real world”; in actuality the “real world” is nothing but the manifestation of humans and their negative and fear based need for power, control, and materialism.
    We cannot blame anyone for this, however, because this false knowledge has been handed down through generations, ever since Mankind began to lose touch with their connection with the Universe, and with our true selves. That being said, after we have acknowledged this, it is our responsibility to correct it. Start by changing your view of the world and of other people; do not allow anything except positive energy and Love flow through your being, and focus only on the good within every person. Trust that the Universal Laws will create balance, through Karma, Attraction, and Consequence.
    One of the largest mistakes we have made is to believe that we should take these Universal Laws into our own hands, partly because we have the need for control and power over others, and partly because we are impatient, and don't trust that Justice will always be served in due time. Instead, we bring unfavorable reactions upon ourselves by creating a ripple effect with our actions. This is not to say that criminals should be allowed to run rampant in our streets, because that would have a negative impact on innocent people, creating a breeding ground for more negativity. The average person knows and understands right from wrong, and also is aware of the consequences of “wrong” actions, such as a jail sentence. Instead, in the context of this article, I mean that we should release our unfounded need to create our own Justice by retaliating against someone we feel has wronged us.
    For example, when someone has been gossiping about you, it would be redundant to perpetuate that negative energy by becoming a gossip, and creating more negativity toward him or her. In turn, this will attract further dark energy toward yourself. The only person we are able to control is ourself; our actions and our reactions to outside influences. Regardless of what someone has said or done, it is essentially our choice how to react. This is where we need to allow only Love energy to flow through us, knowing that eventually an unfair or negative person or situation will be balanced, and that we are not in control of when, where, or how it will happen. Forgiving the person or situation for anything they have “done to us” will release our own fear and darker feelings. It will also release any power held over us, because we will be refusing to feed the negativity by dwelling and spending our energies in such a useless way.
    You are in control of yourself, and of your actions, choices, and experiences. By making decisions and acting in a positive way, filled with Self Love (not to be mistaken with Self Idolizing), and Love for others, you will attract only similar energy toward you. It will support and open up the flow of Abundance, which includes not just money, but health, happiness, friendships, and every other form of joy. Some people call this “Following your Bliss”.
    Choose your Divine path, and Trust that you will be supported, and that those people in your life who truly matter will become even closer to you, and those who do not follow this path of Light will simply fade into the background of your life. Be ever grateful for those who have been part of your existence, as they have made you who you are today, teaching you life lessons, both happy and difficult. Even if a person has hurt you in some way, release the fear-energy surrounding the relationship, and hold onto the important lessons that you learned through the interaction. Those lessons strengthen your mind, body and spirit when you release the negativity that is often attached to them.
    You can easily decide to focus on how much pain and suffering a person may have caused, feeding the power they hold over you, and surrendering your life to them. Or you can opt to release, forgive, and move forward, taking your own power and strength with you into your future. You create your Destiny, and it can be changed with each and every thought, action, or feeling, but one thing remains the same: the choice is yours!
    Love and Light;