Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Nikki Young



    When chaos comes knocking at your door, don’t run from it, struggling with the changes only results in us failing to listen. Our situation never betters that way.  Know that whatever the Lord can bring you to, he can bring you through.

    If you were a part of creating the chaos that now surrounds you, own that. Don’t reason away your involvement. You will never grow this way. Admit it, accept it, own it and then allow it to fall away knowing that you learned from it.

    If you ask for something in prayer, know that it will be answered in the way that He chooses to answer it. A prayer for relief may result in death. A prayer for patience may result in situations which call for patience. Don’t ignore the answer just because it not something you want to hear.

    Know that there is a purpose and a reason for every bout with chaos that we face. It will make us stronger, it will make us warriors of God, it will strengthen our faith, it will test us and it will also bless us. Every battle that we face comes with a price and a reward. The place it leaves you off at is up to you. Do you stay in a place of contempt and self-pity or look for God’s message in all that is around you?

    If you find his messages then you find peace and you find contentment in the eye of the storm. Chaos may go on around you but it will not happen through you.  If you choose to wallow in self-pity and contempt then you will be in a dark and lonely place feeling disconnected from God and angry at the injustice of the world.

    So I say, embrace the chaos! Know that it will bring about its intended purpose if you just stand back and let it.  The trick to being an instrument of God is to stay out of His way; if we are too emotionally/egotistically involved then our anger and hurt cause us to close our hearts and in turn to close our minds to God.

    Embrace the chaos and ask for the understanding that you are in need of, then trust that it will be brought to you as the time is right. Hold your faith close and know that nothing is placed before you that He does not know you can handle. Allow and trust that every work in your life is the work of the Lord, regardless of our understanding; He has a purpose for it.

    Be still and listen!