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Nikki Young

Idiots of Late!

  • Okay ya’ll, everybody grab your boot straps and put on your big girl panties cause I’m about to tick some people off, and if you’re among those who get ticked over what I’m about to say well…. TOO BAD!!

    It seems here lately that we’ve  had an influx of the “Bible Thumping, Holier than Thou” variety  and honestly it’s just disappointing! Notice that I said disappointing rather than discouraging, there’s a reason for that! I’m not discouraged in the least. The fact that they are pouring in here in droves does nothing, in my eyes, except tell me that WE ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH HERE!! The more each of us learn to practice loving kindness with one another and openly share or faiths and beliefs the more Light we are bringing in. Right now we’ve got a beacon going and so naysayers would love to slow us down. Not gonna happen!! So here is my opinion on religion, not the first time I’ve posted it and probably not the last. Doesn’t have to be your way and you don’t even have to like what I have to say but it is MY WAY and it’s not gonna change for anyone.

    Now, like it or not the majority of the mud slinging we’re seeing is coming from those who like to call themselves “Christians” and this is the exact reason that I refuse to be associated with that faith. Do I hold some of their beliefs? Yes. I do believe that Christ was a Divine Being. I also believe that there have been many Divine Beings who have come to teach us a new or better way of doing things. I afford none of these Masters and Teachers a higher position than another. They are all equally valid in their own right and they all serve a purpose to those who follow them. I honestly don’t give a fig who you choose to worship or by what name you call them as long as you are a good and upstanding person.

    I have spent most of my life being shunned by the “Christian” faith, mainly because I have the gift of Prophecy, now how is it that I am shunned for having the same gift that the entire Christian faith is built on?!  The responses I’ve gotten to this question are just hilarious but they always boil down to the same thing: no one in the “church” authorized me to do that!! Now let me explain something about my Gifts, I started talking with Spirit when I was only about 6 years old and I needed nothing to do so. Still don’t for that matter. Do I use Tarot and Oracle Cards? YES I do but the thing that most don’t get is that I use these to put people at ease, not because I NEED them to tell me anything. If you sit with someone and just begin to sprout very personal and private info to them that Spirit is revealing to you then you’re going to freak someone out. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and I ain’t going back!  My purpose isn’t to scare people it is to help them in whatever way Spirit leads me to. If that is to give them understanding of their situations, fine. If it is to give them peace when a loved one has passed and Spirit chooses to allow that person who has gone through the veil to communicate through me to ease the minds of those left behind, who the heck am I to say that Spirit is wrong?! I have never consciously chosen to have the gifts I have, I’ve just always had them. They ARE NOT evil, they DO NOT come from the Devil and they are in no way shape or form a part of Witchcraft! And even if they were, who’s business is that really other than my own??  BTW I have lots of friends who practice what is considered witchcraft and guess what?! They are better people than most of the “Christians” I know!!  Much of what is considered to be witchcraft in reality is simply the Ancient Ways. We ALL come from those Ancient Paths, each of our ancestorys can be traced back to one Pagan form or another.  If we want to get really technical many of the Xtian traditions were stolen from those Pagan Paths!! Really! Learn your history before you go sprouting off about what a wonderful faith you follow and how every bit of it is of God and from God cause the bottom line then is that YOUR GOD is the same as the PAGAN GODS!! Stew on that one a bit before you dismiss it. If your ways are built on the ways of the Ancients then doesn’t that pretty much make the basis of “we are the one and only true faith” a bit obsolete?! 

    Now before ya’ll go getting your guns ready let me say this: I have met a FEW Christians who were truly open minded and noncritical of other faiths. This is a very very limited number though!! The majority act IMO just like the idiots I’ve seen in here lately! Now one of these Idiots chose to make a comment along the lines of Christianity not being a religion but a way of life.. WRONGGGGGGGG Christianity is a religion and even ya’ll can’t agree on the principals of the faith ergo the many different “types” of Xtians!! The only thing that it seems all the branches agree on is the idea that the only way God will notice you is if you follow their rules and regulations. Organized religion IMO is a social tool used to control the masses. Anything that tells you how to think or how to believe is a control mechanism. I’m very capable of reading and thinking for myself. I don’t need anyone to “explain” what the Bible says or what it means. I’m quite adept at picking out the contradiction in there myself! Again this is an area where I differ from the Xtian faith and their way of doing things. The idea that the bible is the absolute Truth and that it was written by God.. ERRRR NOOOOOOOO It was written by man and it was tainted by man. This doesn’t mean that I don’t think that there is some Divine Inspiration there but I think most of it has been lost in the many translations and the many different agendas that went along with those translations.

    I do believe that we are supposed to love one another, we are supposed to care for one another, we are supposed to help one another and we are supposed to encourage one another but I don’t think that this should only apply to people of your same faith. Christ, like all the other Divine Masters, came here to teach a NEW WAY. He flew in the face of the traditions practiced at the time and he broke most of their “sacred” rules. Does this sound like most of the Christians of today or does it sound like it’s in direct opposition with most Christians today?

    Personally I believe that we each choose to come here (as well as other worlds AKA there are aliens!!) and learn through the Human Experience.  We learn though the negative we meet in this world. Each time we come here we go Home with something new. We are constantly evolving. Right now I think that a new kind of Christian is evolving. These are people (and there are many here) who believe as I do. We are wiser IMO than the dogmas that create fear and shame. I will not perform murder, not because a book tells me not to but because I am intelligent enough to KNOW that this is wrong. On the flip side of that I’m intelligent enough to know that love, in any form, is a blessing from God and anything that says otherwise couldn’t possibly come from God alone, man’s opinion got in there at some point. Hatred of any kind isn’t of God. Fear, shame, guilt, anger and jealousy are all Human emotion, these are a part of the Human Experience. We don’t feel these things when we return Home. How then can we attribute these emotions to our Creators? Is God/Goddess not perfect just as we believe Heaven is perfect?

      We are each a piece of God/Goddess. We are each Their sons and daughters. We each carry the Light within ourselves. No one is ever separated from our Creators. We may choose to ignore Them, we may choose to hate Them, we may choose to call Them whatever name we want, We can even refuse to be believe in Them at all and still They will always be with us. They will always be watching over us. Each of us is on the path that is best for us. Each of us find peace in our own ways and whatever way that is is the correct way for us. I believe this with all my heart. That even goes for the Hellfire and Brimstoners! : ) No I don’t agree with you on most things but I believe that you are learning just the same.  We’re just working on different lessons. This is going to be a time of change. We all know that. We all see it as being different things and again I believe that there is a purpose to this too. None of us have the whole story or the big picture. Only God has that, if you trust that you are doing what is right for you in your life then trust that others are doing what is right for them in their lives too. It is not for us to judge and it is surely not for any of us to mistreat another. I’ve seen a lot of that going on here lately too and to tell ya the truth it sickens me. No one has the right to verbally abuse another and you especially don’t have the right to use God as an excuse for doing it!! I for one am looking forward to the changes that are coming in the world. Eyes will be opened. The old will fall away and the new will take its place. What side of the fence will you be standing on?

    Things that I’ve seen on the boards today and yesterday have prompted this. I truly dislike what I’m seeing and I’m about to lose my “play nice” face with a few of you. This is a site for those who would like to honestly and openly share and LEARN from one another. You can’t learn if you’re constantly ticked off if someone disagrees with what YOU THINK OF as the Law. To us it is no more than your opinion. We each have one and for the most part we respect one another’s differences. I have friends of EVERY faith on here, including Christians. The only requirement here is to know that your faith IS seen as your opinion, we are equals here and we don’t abuse one another. Most of us will not tolerate this kind of behavior. I for one will not be silent when I see it on the boards again. To those who have been offended by these idiots: Know that we are with you and we love you. 

  • April Bong
    April Bong All I can say is wow. You have put my thoughts and feelings into one post. I am glad to see there are others that feel the way I do.
    July 24, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Rev Stacy Hill
    Rev Stacy Hill I very much agree with you. I grew up in a Southern Baptist house where "gifts" were past down through generations and we all had to keep them to our selves. Man if it got out we would've been shunned from the town! I am fortunate to have a family that...  more
    September 8, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Nikki Young
    Nikki Young Thanks Stacy!! Its so sad that many of those who are gifted like we are having to hide and honestly I'm thrilled that here in the last few years we've seen more and more stepping out of the woodwork! I'm working to do my part, training others who are gift...  more
    September 8, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Rev HeidiAnne leon
    Rev HeidiAnne leon In my opinion, I feel it's important to see the similarities we share and respect the differences instead of judging them. Too many people think their way is THE WAY! I feel everyone is important and no one is more important than another. I don't feel it'...  more
    November 7, 2014