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Pr. William Barrett

I must confess...I felt like a MONSTER

  • From the time I was 12 til the time i was 17, I felt "different," No, not different as how i am now. I mean different as in...There's something...something deep inside of me that I couldn't keep caged. I started losing my temper, the people that had the gift could see black aura's around me. When i got furious. the room got significantly colder, I went to church one day...The preacher told me to come to the altar as soon as i sat down. he said "son...you have something in you...something that will be banished tonight." he turned his attention to the congregation and said "Children of god, We are gathered in this building by the love of god in our hearts, I have a young man here today, that will never have to sufffer another moment of hurt due to what he carries inside him." (congregation "Hallelujah") (Preacher looks at me)  Son...I (on my end it sounds like a record starts to slow down under the needle) The preacher looks at me wierd...my vision starts swirling...i fall to the ground fighting the voices that are screaming at me. (not the preacher or the congregation) inside...I let out a demonic scream/growl...I black out...I wake up Dead center of the Altar with the whole (15 ppl) congregation surrounding me, one with a camera. I wake up and go for a walk with the preacher...he tells me what happened that i missed when i blacked out...what he told me i couldnt believe...that is, until i saw the video the man took....4 demons apparitions flew out of my mouth when i screamed like i did...i started crying and refused to talk about it since....until Father Gregory and Bishop Stansell came into my life