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Mystic Angel

Discovering the Cycles of the Moon

  • As usual, things pop in my head when I am not focused on it and when I want it to come, my mind remains blank! As I'm drifting to sleep is often a time when it comes, ironically when I'm to tired to write these things down, but that's ok, because this time I remembered the main idea.  I have been struggeling for many years with connecting with the moon energies. The one thing that always stumped me was reading cooresponsences to the moom cycles, it's natural energies to embrace and so on and so forth. I've always just went with the flow of the energies I was picking up at the moment een if it went against the more popular teachings, but with the moon, I could never figure it out.

       I'm drawn to it, I really it when it's full and I love all the cycles of it, but I could never really harness the power of itand I never really understood why until today. See, the correspondences of the moon have been handed down from generation to generation and is considered the Moon's energy. So, I always tried to harness the Moon's energy according to what appears to be the moon's natural cycles and energies. I tried to work with this ideation and my connection just wasn't there. Then it dawned on me today, I'm looking at it's cycles wrong, at least for me. I always viewed the moon as two seasons and the waxing to full and waning to dark where just weeks in between the two major events. I wasn't seeing the full cycle of the moon because I always looked as the dark moon as the ending of the cycle. Since I seem to have a problem with ending cycles, which is why I always disliked Sundays and Christmas, this dislike for the ending is my block.

    Not to get off topic, but the way I worked around Sunday's was either working that day or getting involved in TV shows in the evening. Yeah, we have Sunday night's all lined up with Long Island Medium and Married by my Parents. We also worked around Christmas because Christmas Evening is when my husband first got together and it was also the time when he proposed to me. So, even though Christmas was over by evening, I have something else that carried that high energy until bedtime and it feels like the transition is much easier because it left with a higher level of energy. The moon cycles are the same way for me. When I think about the dark moon, I look at the darkness as a transition from old to new so in between that time, the energy peaks at it's lowest point and I'm stuck waiting for that energy to pass.

    When I started visualizing the cycle of the moon, I saw the last sliver of waning being the end of the cycle and the beginning of the dark moon as the beginning. This allowed me to conenct with the whole moon cycle because when the cycle ended in my vision, it ended with a higher energy. For me, it finally made sence. Kind of like planting a garden. You plant the seeds and it takes a week or two to srpout. The dark moon is a time of planting the seeds, which for me is still an active energy.Though the energy is still at it's lowest point, it's slowly building momentum so when the sliver of the waxing moon shows, the plants begins to spout and continues to build and build. However, even though the full moon is at it's peak, to me, I don't view the energy as slowing down after that, because in my mind, the ending is the harvest of those fruits, which is up unitl the last sliver of the waning moon. 

    So,then I thought about how I may be missing out on the moon's "natural energy" and how I may be missing opportunities to embrace it's energy. Then I realized that my lack of connection to it, I'm not using that energy anyway's. Energy is energy, an anytime we are attempting to use that energy without the proper connection, we are not using it to it's fullest potential because we have no connection to it. Whenr drawing down energy, we use that energy for ourselves or for a particular purpose in our lives. Picking and choosing which fragments of the energies we want and discarding the rest only takes away from the full potential of that energy. And when we set limits to that energy, especially if we are trying to conform to other people's limits and coorespondences that we do not connect with, it won't work at all. The energy is always there.

    The point is that I realized that the natural energy of the moon is always flowing and as far as my path goes, it's up to me to figure out how it's natural flow and my natural flow can work together in order to bring about the greatest results of whatever I am trying to do with it. It was really nice to discover something new. Though it seems simple, most realization often come across as common sense, but have the strongest impacts because we move from thought to connection. I also realized that I will never change. My energy will always seem a little off to alot of people, but that's ok, not only have I accepted the out of the box view, I have also learned to embrace the paradox that is my life, and that's what's important. Individual understanding and acceptance of who you are.

1 comment
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira Check out Serpent Mound in Oh, usa. It's belived to be based on the long lunar cycle (19yrs, I think).

    Hope tuning to the moon has been good to you!
    December 12, 2016