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Mystic Angel

Temple of the Soul - Introduction- Part 1

  •     What is the soul? The soul is our Akashic records. It is the storage area that contains all of who we are, our thoughts, our emotions, even our memories from lifetime to lifetime are kept hidden here. It holds informtion on all the lessons wer have learned in the past, where we are in the present and who we will become in the futre. Anything you ever wanted to know about yourself, you will find in the soul. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? When you begin to walk down the path of understanding, you also begin to walk the path of the unknown. For many who are seeking a deeper understanding of self, this is an exciting time.

       We often begin the journey feeling couragous and even a bit invincible. Even though we don't know what lyes ahead, we are driven by the knowledge that what we will find will be life changing. It's this type of "knowing" that pushes us to take our first few steps without any other knowledge of the journey. We don'tknow why, how or what is expected of us, nor do we care because we know the end result will be well worth any costs associated with this journey. There are many reasons why we begin the journey. For me, it was fighting my fears of the shadows that haunted me and trying to understand why they were haunting me to begin with. At the end of the journey, I realized that it had little to do with understanding and more about batteling the fear and rejection that came with it. Knowledge was merely a tool that allowed me to come to terms with it and accept this aspect of myself. I wasn't fighting the ghosts, I was fighting the fears I had of them. I was fighting the rejection that came from those that rejected my gifts. But most of all, I was batteling the God that cursed me with this gift to begin with. This journey started at a very young age. I didn't know at the time what I was seeking,nor did I understand the depths I would have to reach in order to find whatever I was looking for,  I just knew I had to continue down the path.

       This path has been traveled for many, many years. It  wasn't a straight path. This path had many twists and turns. It contained a labrynth of dead ends and  empty rooms. Some areas contained light and endless possibilites. Other places were dark, cold and straight up terrifying. This was the cost for traveling down this path, the path of the unknown and unexpected.

       The Soul is much like Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom. The soul is the temple of Doom, not knowing what lurkes behind each corner and what is hidden in each room. The seeker is the heroin who braves the unknown in search for the hidden treasure and who will risk everything for it. Some rooms contain traps and skeletons, while others contain beautiful golden nuggets. We begin the journey into this Temple of Doom, we enter in with several agreements with ourselves. Whether we realize it or not, we are bound to these terms during our journey. Now that doesn't sound fair, does it? But it does, because in the end, you will realize that you already knew the terms before you began the journey.

    So, what are these terms? The terms will vary however, the most basic terms are these.

    1- When you begin the journey, you agree that you will find what you are seeking, even if you do not know what it is in the beginning of the journey. You are guarenteed this treasure no matter what, if you are willing to find it.

    2- On this journey, nothing is as expected. Sometimes we follow the path right to the treasure, but more often then not, we must sift through several layers of dirt  and enter into many rooms in order to find it. This is essential for the smaller treasures we find lead us to what we are seeking.

    3- We agree to be completely honest with ourselves. Without this honesty, we will never find what we are seeking. Since this is a solitary journey, the only one we have to be honest with is ourselves. Not an easy task for honesty requires to see all aspects of ourselves, including the sides we refuse to admit we have. We are required to see everything as it is, not what we want it to be.

    4- We are required to accept the truths shown to us, for it's this truth that allows us to fully see who we really are. This enables us to accept all aspects of ourselves, change what we don't like and allows us to evolve into the person we have chosen to become.

       By accepting these terms, we are truely ready for this journey.





  • Joseph Esquivel
    Joseph Esquivel Well put the knowledge of our existance has to be stored some were. You must have read some Edgar Cayce as I have in this segment of my existance. Knowledge always touches our heart with truth. Somethings you have to feel truth to know truth. Our body is ...  more
    October 12, 2016
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel No, never read Edgar Cayce, I just know he was a psychic channel back in his day. Just some things I discovered about the soul :)
    October 13, 2016 - 1 likes this
  • Joseph Esquivel
    Joseph Esquivel Yes he was a well known and documented pshyic. He has done a great deal of good for some people; you may be interested in his writting every event he incurred was fully documented and filmed when they came available. In one case he saved the life of a you...  more
    October 14, 2016 - 1 likes this