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Mystic Angel


  • I recieived an e-mail this morning from my group. We were sent a special assignment to help find a missing 5 year old in our area. We are a group of LE, Search and Rescue and psychics. I am one of the psychics there. Anyway's, we wee givien this assignment and I stared at the picture. I recieived bits and pieces but had a really difficult time tapping in. This is frustrating because I feel blocked and I can't afford to be blocked right now. Any information could possibly be helpful and she needs all of us right now.

    I thought about where the block may be. My husband and I had a discussion a few nights ago about this. He see's who I am and what I do, but I often doubt myself. Not necesarrily the abilities, but whether or not this is truly my path. I'm heading down a new path, leaving the old behind and there is a huge part of me scared to death about this transition. I don't know why, but for some reason, going down the path of the unknown, not knowing where it will take me scared the shit out of me, yet I feel drawn to continue. Besides, though I seek comfort in my old way's I know my new path is essential to my spiritual growth. I often go through this during times of transitions. But now is not the time for me to be staying back and "contimplating" " wondering" and deciiding. By doing this, it stops me from helping other people. It's not to say that noone else can take that or do that as well, the world won't end just because I am blocked, but I look at it is as a personal mission, for me, where I place my own standards and expectations upon myself. What I feel called to do or to act. I feel this call, yet something keeps me slinked down in the corner watching, waiting for some divine force to come down and rescue the day, or something. I know God does intervene, but I think he wants us to intervene as well. And I can't do that when I'm wrapped up to much in my own personal doubt and thoughts of my own insignificance. Self-loathing, I guess many would call it. Sure, there is no guarentee that she will be found, but I do know that each person has one small piece and without every piece the puzzle would be incomplete.

    So the song "Hero" by Nickelback came to mind out of nowhere and I sat and listened to it. I had to understand the words, so I switched the video to the one with lyrics and read each world and then out of nowhere I finally got it. If you read the lyrics of the song, it's more than just "spiderman" theme song. It's about people standing around waiting for a savior that never comes and the world continues as the world continues to spiral down. It's also about one person's stance who no longer waites for the hero and then takes matters into his own hands.

    This is my epiphany:

    People spending all of their waiting for the the hero to save the world yet and never realizing the hero's are already here... us... all of us :) We are the hero's that we are waiting for, we just have to realize it.


    WE ARE THE HERO'S WE ARE WAITING FOR...EACH AND EVERYONE OF US!!! I am this little girl's hero just by simply opening my heart up and doing everything in my power to help her. My sitting in the corner loathing about my own self worth and self esteem, there are real people out there who can't save themselves, they are waiting for others to step in and save them and this includes me. Just because I don't see what I am capable of doing doesn't mean it dousn't exsist. Who's really to say if it doesn't exsist, maybe it does, maybe it dousn't, but it doesn't matter. What's important is that I do it anyway's, because even if there is a slight possibility that my missing piece can help save this child's life, then who cares?? Maybe her destined path is already set. But what if her destined path was meant to be changed and that person (me) failes to change it? What if it could be corrected but my lack of help makes it more harder and difficult then it has to be?

    Yesterday I was at this mobile unit to get our cat fixed. It was a free clinic so there was a ton of people standing in line. There was a woman there who handed us a clip-board to sign in. She was a bit rushed to get it back. She was walking towards me so I could hand it back, but she was older and was walking down a small rocky incline. She slipped and feel. So I reached for her arm to help her get back up. She was a little heavier and I wanted to make sure she stood back up ok, so I quickly turned around and asked for help from others near-by. To my amazement, they all just stood there and watched. Finally a younger female comes over and picks up her glasses and hands it to her. I didn't see the lesson in all of this until this morning.

    Situations come my way because I am supposed to do something about it. I was this lady's hero, even though it seemed so insignifacant. To me, it was simply instinct. Someone falls and you help them up, make sure they ok. To these other people, it was simply someone falling, but to help may make them loose their place in line. Yesterday I was the hero for this woman. Sitting in a corner self-loathing about my own internal issues is no better then all of those people who just stood there and watched. I don't want to be the person in the crowd. I want to help, I want to make a change. I want to be part of the solution, not the problem. If I want a hero, then I have to realize that I am the hero.

    I hope this epiphany isn't taken out o context or viewed as vain. It's not the point of this post, the sole point of this is that we are all the heros. The hero's don't just come from the sky. But we are all the heros and we ARE the hero's we are searching for and waiting for. We just have to realize it within ourselves and this post is my own relaization of this.


    It looks like we will be searching for her within the next few days, if you feel led, please send positive energy, prayers, compassion,  love or whatever your feel is within you to send towards everyone involved in this situation.

    Blessed Be,
