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what would Jesus Christ do

  • This is a Apistle written from the Apostle Of Jesus Christ Ritalee about what would jesus do.

    I am glad to write some Apistles to the Christians asking what would Jesus do, well sometimes I see people boast and brag on stuff like yes I got $100k gift or I won the lotto or I got a new car or ect yet, what would jesus do well he wouldn’t brag as he was to humble and meek. If he had $100k he would donate it. This isn’t about money but this is about what would jesus do, well for you Christians and I had my hand in it too I relized if we want to cause trouble or do things our way  then we must ask does or would jesus cause strife or anger or to annoy or cause conflict? No if someone is bothering you cut them down like a tree and I mean spiritually if your mind is being bothered the axe is next to the tool shed cut it down and throw it in the fire then don’t ever deal with that person again, why because if your happiness revolves them being a complete butt and saying stuff like I am better then you or I look better then you or I have money and you don’t or I can get anyone or I am not doing this and they are then its best to disown them pretty much as the are shallow and lost your friendship by cutting down that tree and tossing it in the fire. There a tree that produces bad fruit and unless there repent then  its not worth having your heart hurt because of there words. This is for all you Christians harken my words if you wish. The main thing is to do what you have to to be happy and not sad so they don’t cause you to do something stupid or upset you. So before you brag,boast or  want to cause turmoil ask yourself what would jesus do if you are a Christian the best best is not to add fuel to anyones fire if someone is causing you trouble you  but prey for them and then cut them outta your life.


    From The Apostle of Jesus Christ

