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if you sold everything you owned today for the poor people

  • This is a Apistle written by the Apostle Ritalee to discuss Poor people and my thoughts on it.

    So I decided to start my saying the reason so many things happen and Jesus Christ says sell everything and give it to the poor well it’s a good concept back then but today if you did it you would be looked at as a insane person plus all you would have is a apartment or room with a simple cot, a place to eat a cook area a shower and toilet and your bible. Not many people can live meekly and get away with it. Even if a person did that and horded every penny he ever got pretty much and didn’t spend much except what he had too he would still be a cheapskate, in this economy everyone must be for thereselves, if I wont the lotto I would keep a small amount and donate the rest. As for  others even if they got say $50,000 from gambling from the casino you have to pay taxes on it, if you get  $100k as a gift you look at it as a gift but uncle sam wants there money on it as a income tax. So its robbing from the poor to give to the rich or the government.  So how is things change it doesn’t it gets worst that’s why the poor in the bible are looked to to be getting in they suffer enough as it is. So before I go I wanted to say the poor will be more likely to get into heaven, as for me well I wanted to say in this day in age unless a person lives like a meekly monk or in a convent or monestary more likely the poor will have a few things and try to stretch what they have till it breaks. So  bottom line is if you and I say if you want to help a person so be it if you don’t well don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say it, I saw a homeless guy once, 2 times I saw a person give him money and after the 2nd time he left. Not back yet however I wonder if it was jesus as a homeless person. They say he knows if people help the homeless or not. People say there righteous then they do things like walk away from a homeless guy or say oh yes I can help and turn out and do the oppisate. So now I say if your Christian look in your heart and if you see someone maybe make there day or atleast try to do something nice for them.




    The Apostle

