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book of mormon part 5

  • This is the book of Mormon part 5, now there saying the bow, aaron, quiver, spear or javelin and dart was made, from what I can tell the javelin wasn’t made by Indians however the oldest javelin is 400,000 years old so it could be possible but again unless Israel people and native Americas people used them its highly doubtful, the dart was made I have no clue when but the axe and bow I do know.  The axe was around 6,000 bc or bce so its probally a weapon of choice however from what I remember the axe used by the native americans was more tomahawks so it was a throwing axe.

    Aarow tips was found 64,000 years ago in Africa so it could be possible I know in the old testament it was used by david and johnathan therefore the weapon has been chosen, even during Jacob esau, esau used a bow to get savory vinason.


    16000 bce flint points where used and then 8000 bce  bows where found in Germany so the bow would have been more of choice for weapons, and the axe, now it said they fortified there citys, where is these citys? Native americans used wigwams and tipis therefore more likely it would be Indians on the plains or wigwams therefore no citys was found yet the south American citys was built later then 500 ad so in my opinion it is completely false on the citys as we havnt had any Mormon citys unless god sucked up the citys to heaven then there up there.

    So my opinion. So far the book is made up to get a piece of the finaicial pie.

