Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Mike Celtic Warrior O'Brien

what my journey has taught me

  • What my Journey has taught me:

    So far my Journey has taught me why I started my Chapter in 2012. At first I thought it was just a way to help and bring awareness to all things under the purple ribbon. I chose the purple ribbon cause my wife was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and I wanted to bring awareness to that as well. There is no known cure for Sarcoidosis they don't even know what cause it. It it will mostly hit African-Americans and Europeans. I know it can affect any organ of the body. My wifes has targeted her lungs. She is now on oxygen 24/7. On top of the Sarcoidosis she has acute asthma which doesn't help. It was hard watching her walk about 50 feet or so and be out of breath. Or wake up and have to pat her on the back cause she is coughing. But it seems since she has had the oxygen she is not coughing as much and not as tired out. But I will bring awareness to this disease

    Our main focus under the purple ribbon to me was helping and bringing awareness to homelessness especially with our Veterans. To me it is a shame that we live in the greatest Country in the world and we cannot take care of those our Government has sent into war. They come home and some have PTSD, will loose their homes to foreclosure or not be able to find a job. They are left to live on the street or live in unsheltered tent camps. I know I have met a few Veterans who are living in the camps. My heart aches to see them living that way. Yes some have mental problems, drug addicts or alcoholics. But the most part some are working but don't make enough to get a one bedroom apartment, health care. But yet our local and Federal Government will steadily cut funds to help our Veterans and those who are homeless. I have read in one town in California it is now against the law to be homeless. Really instead of punishing them why can't we do like some states and build tiny house villages to help the homeless. It would cut down on the state having to help the homeless. But I guess it is better to line their pockets with money from the rich to do what they want instead of doing the right thing. I will continue to be a voice for the homeless cause it is like society wants to forget all about them. They are people too with feelings and need to be treated like wise.

    We go up sometimes to just talk to those in the camps to see how they are doing. To see what they need essentialy to survive the cold weather. Most do not ask for alot just what they need. But there are some that are greedy and will take even if they don't need it. This is why when we take stuff we pass it out on;t to those who ask for what they need. I like to treat them with respect whenever I go up into the camp.

    I learned in my Journey and after talking to a friend about what the Word Ministry means. I looked it up and the Religious meaning of Ministry means to "serve". Well it got me to thinking since I am a ordained Minister I might as well make this Chapter a Community Ministry Outreach to help the homeless. I would like to build this Ministry into taking Bibles to the camp and bringing the Word of Jesus to those who are willing to accept him as their Savior. I would like to start a weekly Bible Study with them. I have learned that the closer I get to Jesus the more I know He has called upon me to do this. I am have not always been a real Religious person. I am not into Organized Religion. I have always considered myself a Christian cause I do believe God sent His only Son to live and then to die for our sins. But the more I go on My Road to Redemption I learn so much. I will walk my Road and I will stumble along the way cause I am human. But I know He is with me.

    I am wanting to build this Ministry to help the homeless and all those who fall under the purple ribbon. We all have a story and I am working on mine. I am not going to sugar coat it. I drank when I was younger, I smoked weed everyday until my son was born 24 yrs ago and I stopped. I have lived a wild life and I will tell it in my story. The hope is someone will read it and say well if he can change so can I. This is my testimony to starting a new life witb Jesus and do His work while I am still able too.

  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu and Gypsy Z like this
  • Gypsy Z
    Gypsy Z Just an FYI: Veterans that have been turned away from the ratings and benefits they need they are steadily raising their co pays for their drs and the veterans and their families medications.
    February 18, 2015 - 1 likes this
  • Gypsy Z
    Gypsy Z Your wife is in my best wishes!
    February 18, 2015 - 1 likes this