Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Bishop Michael Collins-Windsor, Ph.D.

Recommened Books For Pentecostal Pastors

  • Here is a recommended list of books every Pentecostal Pastor should have. 

    1. "The Attributes of God" A.W. Pink
    2. "The Bondage of the Will" Martin Luther
    3. "The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?" F.F. Bruce
    4. "The Gospel of the Kingdom" George Eldon Ladd
    5. "The Next Christendom" Phillip Jenkins
    6. "This Present Darkness" Frank Peretti
    7. "The Master Plan of Evangelism" Robert Coleman
    8. "The Cost of Discipleship" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    9. "Life Together" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    10. "The Divine Conspiracy" Dallas Willard
    11. "Basic Christianity" John Stott
    12. "Biblical Church Growth" Gary McIntosh
    13. "Basic Bible Interpretation" Roy Zuck
    14. "Biblical Hermeneutics" Corley, Lemke and Lovejoy
    15. "Heresies" Harold O.J. Brown
    16. "Early Christian Doctrine" JND Kelly
    17. "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah" Alfred Edersheim
    18. "Manners and Customs in the Bible" Victor Matthews
    19. "Biblical Eldership" Alexander Strauch
    20. "Pastors of Promise" Jack Hayford
    21. "The Creative Leader" Ed Young
    22. "The Sovereignty of God" A.W. Pink
    23. "Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God" J.I. Packer
    24. "The Essential Works of John Wesley" John Wesley

    25. "Leading on Empty" Wayne Cordeiro
    26. "The Divine Mentor" Wayne Cordeiro
    27. "A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm" Phillip Keller
    28. "A Tale of Three Kings" Gene Edwards
    29. "Systematic Theology" Wayne Grudem
    30. "Preachers and Preaching" Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones
    31. "Under the Unpredictable Plant" Eugene Peterson
    32. "Lectures to My Students" Charles Spurgeon
    33. "Spiritual Leadership" J. Oswald Sanders
    34. "Foxe’s Book of Martyrs" John Foxe
    35. "Biblical Preaching" Haddon Robison
    36. "Anointed Expository Preaching" Stephen Olford
    37. "The Pursuit of God" A.W. Tozer
    38. "Knowledge of the Holy" A.W. Tozer
    39. "Mere Christianity" C.S. Lewis
    40. "Competent to Counsel" Jay Adams
    41. "Disciplines of a Godly Man" Kent Hughes
    42. "The Normal Christian Life" Watchman Nee
    43. "The Imitation of Christ" Thomas A Kempis
    44. "The Case for Faith" Lee Strobel
    45. "The Case for Christ" Lee Strobel
    46. "Courageous Leadership" Bill Hybels
    47. "Next Generation Leader" Andy Stanley
    48. "The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love
    Jonathon Leeman
    49. "Between Two Worlds" John Stott
    50. "Choose the Life" Bill Hull
    51. "Sacred Pathways" Gary Thomas
    52. "Sacred Marriage" Gary Thomas
    53. "Love and Respect" Emerson Eggerichs
    54. "Chosen But Free" Norman Geisler
    55. "The Pilgrim’s Progress John Bunyan
    56. "Awakened by the Spirit" Ron Phillips
    57. "Surprised by the Power of the Spirit" Jack Deere
    58. "Well-Intentioned Dragons" Marshall Shelly
    59. "The Purpose-Driven Church" Rick Warren
    60. "The Reformed Pastor" Richard Baxter
    61. "The Institutes of the Christian Religion" John Calvin
    62. "The Myth of A Christian Nation" Greg Boyd
    63. "Christianity’s Dangerous Idea" Alister McGrath
    64. "Satan and His Kingdom" Dennis McCallum
    65. "Good to Great" Jim Collins
    66. "This Present Darkness" Frank Peretti
    67. "The Mortification of Sin" John Owen
    68. "The Valley of Vision" Arthur Bennet
    69. "How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth Gordon Fee
    70. "Life in the Son" Robert Shank
    71. "Being Leaders" Aubrey Malphurs
    72. "The Life Giving Church" Ted Haggard
    73. "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals John Piper
    74. "Desiring God" John Piper
    75. "Winning With People" John Maxwell
    76. "Developing the Leader Within You" John Maxwell
    77. "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Dale Carnegie
    78. "Jesus and the Victory of God" N.T.Wright
    79. "Under the Influence" Kenneth Schmidt
    80. "The Story of Christianity" Justo Gonzales
    81. "Why We Love the Church" Kevin DeYoung
    82. "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" Peter Scazerro
    83. "The Emotionally Healthy Church" Peter Scazerro
    84. "Disappointment With God" Phillip Yancey
    85. "Wounded Healer" Henri Nouwen
    86. "A Theology of the New Testament" George Eldon Ladd
    87. "Leading With A Limp" Dan Allender
    88. "Theology: The Basics" Alister McGrath
    89. "The Doctrine of God" John Frame
    90. "Love God With All Your Mind" J.P. Moreland
    91. "The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God" D.A. Carson
    92. "The Practice of the Presence of God" Brother Lawrence’
    93. "Money, Possessions and Eternity" Randy Alcorn
    94. "If God is Good" Randy Alcorn
    95. "Heaven" Randy Alcorn
    96. "Christian Theology" Millard Erickson
    97. "The Making of A Man of God" Alan Redpath
    98. "Predestination" Peter Thuesen
    99. "Evil and the Justice of God" N.T. Wright
    100. "The Resurrection of the Son of God" N.T. Wright
    101. "Turning Points" Mark Noll
    102. "Spiritual Gifts" David Lim
    103. "Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow" Peter Wagner
    104. "Living in the Combat Zone" Rick Renner
    105. "Dressed to Kill" Rick Renner
    106. "Death By Love" Mark Driscoll
    107. "Vintage Church" Mark Driscoll
    108. "Activate" Nelson Searcy
    109. "Emotional Intelligence" Daniel Goleman
    110. "Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership" Gary McIntosh
    111. "The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching" Wayne McDill
    112. "Through Gates of Splendor" Elisabeth Elliot
    113. "The History of the Church" Eusebius
    114. "Confessions" Augustine
    115. "The Life and Diary of David Brainerd" Jonathon Edwards
    116. "John Wesley: A Biography" Stephen Tomkins
    117. "Lectures on Revival" Charles Finney
    118. "Jonathon Edwards: A New Biography" Iain Murray
    119. "The Forgotten Spurgeon" Iain Murray
    120. "With Christ in the School of Prayer" Andrew Murray
    121. "The Possibilities of Prayer" E.M. Bounds
    122. "The Triumph of the Lamb" Dennis Johnson
    123. "The Heart of A Great Pastor" H.B. London
    124. "My Utmost for His Highest" Oswald Chambers
    125. "The Peace Making Pastor" Alfred Poirier
    126. "The Cross of Christ" John Stott
    127. "Can Man Live Without God?" Ravi Zacharias
    128. "Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar" William Mounce
    129. "Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work" Eugene Peterson
    130. "The Resurrection Factor" Josh McDowell
    131. "Inerrancy" Norman Geisler
    132. "The Historical Reliability of the Gospels" Craig Blomberg
    133. "The Reason for God" Tim Keller
    134. "Shepherding the Church" Joseph Stowell
    135. "Working the Angles" Eugene Peterson
    136. "Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church" Michael Lawrence
    137. "Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus" D.A. Carson
    138. "Things to Come" Dwight Pentecost
    139. "Introducing Christian Doctrine" Millard Erickson
    140. "Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Perspective" Frank Macchia
    141. "Spirit and Power" William Menzie
    142. "Renewal Theology" Rodman Williams
    143. "Evidence that Demands A Verdict" Josh McDowell
    144. "Effective Pastoring" Bill Lawrence
    145. "101 Ways to Reach Your Community" Steve Sjogren
    146. "The Five Love Languages" Gary Chapman
    147. "Rethinking the Church" James Emery White
    148. "The Other Side of Pastoral Ministry" Daniel Brown
    149. "Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe" Mark Driscoll
    150. "Rethinking the Successful Church" Samuel Rima

    151. "The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow" Constance Cumby

    152. "Pigs In The Parlor" Frank and Ida Hammond

    153. Strong's Concordance 

    Finis J. Dake books that are a MUST READ

    154. "God's Plan for Man" Finis Dake

    155. "Bible Truths Unmasked" Finis Dake

    156. "Heavenly Host" Finis Dake

    157. "The Rapture and the Second Coming" Finis Dake

    158. "Another Time, Another Place, Another Man" Finis Dake

    159. "Revelation Expounded" Finis Dake


    160. "Halley's Bible Handbook" Henry H. Halley

    161. "Knowing God" J.I. Packer

    162. "Josephus" Translated by William Whiston


    List of Books By Watchman Nee


    "The Latent Power of the Soul"


    "The Normal Christian Life"

    • The Spiritual Man
    • Spiritual Authority
    • Mystery of Creation
    • Gospel Dialogue
    • The King and The Kingdom of Heaven
    • Interpreting Matthew
    • Come, Lord Jesus
    • The Better Covenant
    • Aids to Revelation
    • The Overcoming Life
    • The Breaking of The Outer Man and The Release of The Spirit
    • The Song of Songs
    • Authority and Submission
    • Christ the Sum of All Spiritual Things
    • The Release of The Spirit
    • The Ministry of God's Word
    • The Normal Christian Life

    Watchman Nee's best known books on "Church", "Church Life", and "the Church issues":

    • The Normal Christian Church Life
    • Church Affairs
    • The Church and the Work: Rethinking the Work
    • The Glorious Church
    • Further Talks on the Church Life
    • The Orthodoxy of the Church

    Other works:

    • Love Not the World
    • What Shall This Man Do?
    • A Table in the Wilderness
    • Study Guide to The Normal Christian Life
    • Changed into His Likeness
    • The Joyful Heart



    Preacher’s Homiletic Commentary (38 vols.)


    Complete Exposition of Biblical Commentary By Alexander MacLaren


     Recommended Bible

    "Dake Annotated Reference Bible KJV" 

    The Dake Bible has 2 columns of standard size KJV text and 2 columns of standard size notes. No Bible in the world has as many notes (35,000) and cross references (500,000) as a Dake.