Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joseph Lynn, Obl. ULM

ULM Spirituality on the Social Networks

  • PAX    I have been a member of the Apostolic Benedictine Order since 2001. I entered into solitaire vows on August 19, 2009. I have made life vows of poverty, chastity and perpetual "conversion of life." I am responsible for a ministry of spiritual direction, and twelve-step retreats reaching out to recovering substance abuse addicts and alcoholics. I am a program director at Footprints In Recovery(.com), and manage a web-based recovery ministry (MYSOBRIETYCOACH.COM). Thank you for visiting my blog. I covet your prayers. Dominus Vobiscum!  Brother Joseph, Obl, BA, MA, CSAC 

    Benedictine spirituality holds a very special place near and dear to me. I have witnessed countless changed lives, as individuals applied the simple discipline of contemplative reading, silence, and practical day to day conscious contact with a Power Greater Than Themselves. I have a vocation to share the Rule of St. Benedict with others; believers, seekers, and doubters on the spiritual path. And particularly as I am able to through social networks online. That is why I have added "Oblates of Universal Life Monastery" as a religious organization on good ole Facebook! If you would like to know more about Benedict and International Oblates, visit WWW.OSB.ORG. I also have a couple of blogs, outlining a "Twelve Step Approach to Benedictine Spirituality." If you're interested, let me know and I will forward you those addresses.

    Please visit Oblates of Universal Life Monastery, and press "Like" on Facebook. Blessings of Peace to you all!