Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joseph Lynn, Obl. ULM

Lenten Traditions

  • During Lent we traditionally take on spiritual disciplines that help draw us closer to the Holy Provider. I hope you find one or more of these practices helpful along your Lenten journey.

    Fasting:  This Lent let go of the inessential to hold fast to what is essential. If you abstain from food, ask what you hunger for, or fast from speed to embrace slowness; fast from indifference to awaken to wonder.

    Discipline:  You might choose not to let something go, but to take something on. Devote yourself to a discipline -- exercise or prayer, reading scripture or plant a garden -- that will help you reconnect with the Creator and Sustainer of all that is life-giving within you.

    Prayer:  Each Lent monastics pray, "Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, O Lord." Ask for a new heart to know and love God. Pray each day that God will break your heart open -- to forgiveness, to peace, to the needs of the world God loves.

    Service:  This Lent take the risk of asking God to work out his purpose for your life, offering yourself anew to be used in God's service. Ask God to be God and pray, "Here am I, Lord, send me!"

    Intention:  Whatever practice you choose, be intentional. Be truly present to the grace of this season, which allows us to rediscover what is essential to the abundant life for which we were created. +PAX+