Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joseph Lynn, Obl. ULM

Love and Monastic Spirituality

  • Love of God: In the first place to love the Lord God with the whole heart, the whole soul, the whole strength. (RB 4; cf. Deut 6:5; Mark 12:30)
    Love of Neighbor: To love one's neighbor as oneself that he/she may be served as if he were Christ in person. (RB 4; Luke 10:27)
    Love of Prayer: The Work of God - the Liturgy - is the task of our service (RB 50) and our tribute of our praise to our Creator. Let us rise and glorify him (RB 16).
    Love of Humility: Whosoever exalts himself will be abased; he that humbles himself will be raised up. (RB 7; Luke 14:11)
    Love of Family: The younger should look up to the elders; the elders love the younger (RB 63). They should most patiently endure one another's infimities, whether of body or character (RB 72).
    Love of Silence: The disciples part is to be silent and listen (RB 6).
    Love of Creation: Let him regard all tools (property, machines, etc) as if they were the sacred vessels of the altar (RB 31), for we must so serve God with what he has given us that he will never as an angry father disinherit us (RB Prologue).
    Love of Life in Christ: Who is he who desires life and sees good days? Turn from evil and do good. We must hasten to do now what will profit us for eternity, that by patience we share in the sufferings of Christ (Prologue). We are to prefer nothing to the love of Christ (RB 4) and so live that God is glorified in all things (RB 57).
    * RB (Rule of St. Benedict)