Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joseph Lynn, Obl. ULM

Paschal Vigil Format

  • Not to be worried. This is a simple guide to the readings at our gathering tomorrow. The address is: www.oblatesulm.webs.com

    These instructions are posted there as well. Please sign-in to the virtual chat-chapel a little early and greet your ULM family!

    The schedule is: 14 UTM (GMT) = 6am PST or 9am EST, tomorrow April 23rd.

    The Paschal Mystery, that is the resurrection, or the life lived in the Spirit or Jesus, is a celebration of new Life, and of new beginnings. Jesus said, “ I am the Light of Life!” We are gathered here today as a cloud of witnesses to The Light. We proclaim the Mystery of Faith in a liturgical vigil. For tomorrow is the Third Day. The Truth cannot be contained in the grave. Our Creator who Sustains our life, lives forever and ever. The Third Day is now, and we are invited to participate in this New Reality. Amen!


    Liturgical prayer unfolds in the Universe as corporate meditation. We invite you to bring a candle of unity to your desk, as we read together. Lectio Divina (or Divine Reading) has a rich monastic history. You are invited to read along, and encouraged to participate by typing the “antiphon” and posting to the virtual chapel at the appropriate interludes, which you will recognize by seeing the prompt “ANTIPHON:”


    The general format is this: The abbot (or leader) will post an invitory sentence. This will usually be followed by a response from the prior (or assistant). After the sentence and response, the community (or oblates) affirm the proclamation with the “Antiphon”. Therefore, as a community we read together, and whenever you see the prompt, (antiphon), you should type and post the following:


    --Thanks be to the Light of Christ!--


    Everyone will be given ample time to post, so don't rush! This is a time of corporate prayer and meditation. Imagine, your own oblate brothers and sisters around the world are with their own computers, their own candles, seated just as you are around the world in real time! The eternal Now has been manifested in cyber-space and we are lifting One Mind and One Heart, proclaiming the Mystery of Life-Everlasting!


    As an example, you will see something like:


    Br Joseph: “let us unify in prayer and meditation”

    Br Rolf: “that is our purpose”

    Antiphon: (this is when YOU WILL TYPE: “Thanks be to the Light of Christ!”)


    The antiphon will always be the same – but please participate by renewing your affirmation (you may choose to cut and past the antiphon), “Thanks be to the Light of Christ!” Every time you see the antiphon prompt.


    Feel free to say hello to others in the room before we get started, and hang around afterwords to chat and fellowship. Dominus Vobiscum! (trans. “The Light of Life is Within You!)