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Norma Ranese

Stalled Government/Bad Government

  • Ok, I have to Blog about this, since it has officially affected my life, my child's life, and my family's life.  I will lay out some background for all of you so you understand why I have to file this issue and why, as I continue on, I am so frustrated with the Government, both City, State, and Federal.  I live in Worcester, MA.  Unfortunatly, Worcester is not a city you want to live in, because of the pot holes, illegal immigrant safe haven status, sad state of dis-repair, and sad excuse for what we call a Mayor (that does nothing; we have a City Manager for that, who does nothing as well).  I live on a street, which is in the Central/Northern area of the city, in the "hills" area.  It is no secret because of all of the bad weather: ice, rain, snow, freezing sleet, etc,.. a lot of roofs in my state (MA) have collapsed.  There is one building in particular I care about; an abandoned carport behind the apartment building next door to my apartment building. 


    Here is the problem... Two other buildings in the city also collapsed that same weekend (02/05/2011) and they were torn down within 24 hours.  Our neighbors carport is still standing.  Now.. I know this is hard to understand and you are probably not understanding why I, as someone who has no vested interest in the property, would care, nevermind want to bother to be upset about someone elses problem.. but I am and here are my reasons:

    1) The carports one remaining, unstable wall, faces my driveway/parking lot.. making three out of six parking spaces unable to be parked in due to fear of the building falling onto the cars (yes, one of these spots is mine). 

    2) Using "the back" which is what we call our parking lot to turn around, I had to replace my passenger front tire because I drove over debris that had been left that I had missed... Cost: $98.00

    3) In the past 3 weeks ( 02/05/2011-02/26/2011), because four cars have been unable to park in "the back" there have been six (yes I mean 6) accidents where damage has been caused to vehicles, one issue where someone could not get their car into the driveway, and one ticket because of snow banks on the street, someone could park within 12" of the sidewalk, was given a $50 ticket.


    4)Of those six accidents, two of them were to MY car (a 2009 Cobalt, with only 12,000 miles).  My car was hit twice, in 1 hour, once by an SUV, causing $400 in damage to the rear bumper and once by a commercial van, being driven by an illegal immigrant who owned the business, but who's license expired in October (please do not ask me how someone illegal owns a business.. ask the Govenor, Deval Patrick, who seems to know how to get an illegal everything a legal citizen can't get, including affordable Insurance and Welfare).  Total cost of damage to my car: $2,359.35. 


    5) After all of this... waiting three weeks to see the building come down, seeing the foundation crumbling, knowing at any minute the building could crash down onto anyone and anything around it... we find out that the Landlord has been getting $1,000 fines from the City because he has not demo'ed the building, but also that the city has repeatedly denied his Insurance company the demolition permit needed to demo the building.  So... the poor man is being screwed left and right...

    Wait.. get's better...

    6) After hearing all of this... I am diagnosed, after 3 weeks of some mystery lung ailment, where I can barely breath, coughing hard, and wheezing severely (my PCP and a Pulmonologist cannot tell me what I have, since Pnuemonia is ruled out, but it is not Bacterial, or Viral.. so they have no idea what it is, so they give me an anti-biotic, an inhaler, and an ant-acid, in case).. I find out the carport has Asbestos in it.  My daughter, my mother, myself, and my ex-husband have been breathing it in since the building collapsed.  Wonder what my lung issue was... hmm.. could it Asbestos???  Maybe?!  A LITTLE!?

    Wait... Here is the cherry on that bullshyt sundae for ya..

    7) After learning all of this and finally finding out what is wrong with me... we find out the city of Worcester is aware of the Asbestos, has been aware of the Asbestos for the ENTIRE TIME THE BUILDING HAS BEEN DOWN.. and even though they are aware... they are BLOCKING the HAZ MAT PERMIT needed to clear the building! 


    And people wonder why no one respects the government?!  People wonder why I am angry all the time and why I hate the city, and why I curse this wretched government, sad, pathetic, sick, deluted, peice of crap they call a municepality?!  SERIOUSLY!?  Asbestos KILLS!  And it's ok for us to inhale it!?  And there isn't a damned thing I can do...

    Anyone have any ideas on what can be done?  Because I am out of them, short of calling an Attorney and suing... Oh.. wait... the government ruled that you cannot sue a city, county, state, or federal body.. because it is un-lawful... So I am screwed...  THANKS AMERICA!  HOME OF THE FREE MY FAT AUNT SUSIE!  I AM FREE TO SUCK UP THIS ASBESTOS FILLED AIR!  THANKS A LOT!  LOVE YOU TOO!  REMIND ME TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRACY! ...


1 comment
  • The Rt. Rev. Mark Luljak
    The Rt. Rev. Mark Luljak You know, if everyone just stopped paying the government, everybody at once, maybe things would change. I can't imagine a single individual or company that would object to not paying the government if everyone was in it together. I've paid into the syst...  more
    March 7, 2011