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Over the Edge

  • I remember seeing a movie or reading an article a long time ago … something about “Women at the Edge” and I remember thinking, “what about all of us women who are over the edge?”

     What is the edge? I had so much to deal with in those days that I didn’t have any idea where I ended and the outside world began.

     The edges were pretty fuzzy.  The edges of where I ended and the children began were nonexistent. We were one quivering clump of abandonment…they were completely confused and I added and anger and sorrow to the equation.  For years there had been no edge. It had been, as far as I knew, one seamless whole.   Suddenly I had to deal with edges---other people’s edges; children, friends, work associates, so many edges.  I did feel like I was over the edge most of the time. 

     I finally figured out that if I just let go and dropped over the edge there was often a ledge, just over the edge.  Now the ledge became the new edge and life went on.  An amazing epiphany!

     Eventually I learned that there is really no edge, it is all ONE. It is all God, it is all Good.



    God is All there Is

    It is the Beginning,. It is the Center, and It is the End.  God is everywhere present, all of the time. There is nothing outside of It.

    All that God Is, I Am.  I Am a small, but integral part of the whole that God Is.

    Knowing that God’s Life is my life right now I step confidently into the Center of the ONE.  It is all Good. I accept that Good as my divine birthright. My desire is God’s desire made manifest here and now upon this Earth Plane. My work today is to joyously manifest the Good that God Is.

    In gratitude for remembering Who I Am, I release this Word to Law.  I know that it is already done in Mind, so I allow it to manifest today as my life.

    And So It Is,
