Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jon Christopher Parsons

just don't get the hollier that thou attiude

  • I am sorry to see that most still believe what is written in the major religious texts is the word of God. All 3 major texts are written by man and were written to help in a political power grab at that time, God didn't tell people to kill each other (well at least most of the time he didn't,) man said God told him to do it to justify it, it is just that simple. So little of God's word exists in these texts it is ludicrous.So much is taken out of context it is unreal.A fine example is Jesus and how he is portrayed now-a-days . When Jesus said turn the other cheek it was not meant as an act of pacifism, it was meant as an act of defiance. To turn away and not acknowledge being struck was a huge insult to Romans. The peace loving hippie type Jesus spent days braiding whips to go ballistic at the temple. There is a huge difference between Jesus' righteous indignation and the puritanical belief that God instructed Christians to kill and take land. I am a Christian and Jesus is my messiah, but I am not so disillusioned to believe he perfect. Even as the son of God he had freewill and was no less of a murderer than Muhammad (only difference being he brought his friend back to life, a miracle I don't remember Muhammad ever being able to perform) The Bible, Torah and Qur'an are all good books if you sort through the obvious junk. They all teach you to be faithful to God and not be scumbags to other people, to be defiant to the corrupt powers that be and to teach decency to others. not to use his word or likeness to try to gain power or to trample upon others. this last thing will be the end of my rant and this is directed at those Christians that think anything they feel is offensive is unchristian, just stop! I am only saying this because I had a blatant reminder  when I was watching a TV show and a woman actually said that it was unchristian of a film company to have zombies in her line of view on her way home from church on a Sunday. C'mon lady nothing in the Bible about that and how Christian is it to bug God on his day of rest just you can indulge in PRIDE and try to get others to feel ENVY while you show off your new hat, dress or whatever????? outa here, God Bless

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