Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Terry Bellamy

How Great is our Blessing?

  • My Brothers, Sister, and fellow Pastors, Reverends, and Religious as we enter into the Easter season have you ever take the time to think about how great the Lords Sacrifice was for us?  Could you have did the same for your fellow brothers and sisters?  Think about it Our Lord Jesus was scourged (Whipped) 39 times with a whip with metal tips that was designed to rip flesh from bone.  Can you possibly imagine the pain of having that dig into your flesh as it hit you, and having it rip you apart as they pull it back? what an image and what a sacrifice that was, but his sacrifice didn't end there was sentence to crucifixion by Pilot which is not only in the bible what also of historical record.  Before he was crucified he was taunted by the guards and give a crown of thorns that was one inch to one and a half inches long and he had that pushed into his head, and skin.  Then he was made to carry a heavy cross down a rocky rock in tor into his flesh, and he was whipped the whole entire way.  He had to carry a 125 lb cross 1/2 mile to Golgotha after he had been severally beaten, and had shards of bone, and metal in his skin, and had much blood loss.  So of course it was natural for him to stagger and fall so many times n eventually I doubt many of us could have been any stronger.  The once we arrived we was stripped of his clothes and had 9 inch iron nails driven through a wooden disk (to prevent ripping of the flesh) threw his write and he was raised in the air on the 7 foot tall cross left there hanging his flesh ripping.  Then his side was pierced by the spear of a roman soldier threw his lung.  Can you possible imagine the pain and suffer our Lord and Savior suffered for our salvation?  Then he was risen from the dead to let us all know he was the Christ proclaimed.  So, as we enter into this Easter season it is not only about Easter bunnies, and Easter eggs.  It is about the great suffering and sacrifice Our Lord Jesus Christ made to save us all from Sin so we may not die and have ever lasting life.  So this Easter Praise the Lord, thank him for his great sacrifice for us and do ask he has asked of us show your fellow man Love, kindness, Caring and giving and make just a small sacrifice for someone to show your appreciation to our Lord for the great sacrifice me made for us.  Thank you and have a happy Easter my brothers and sisters and may the Lord Bless you, and keep you happy, and safe during this holiday season and all the days of your life.  God Bless you all.

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