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William Wheeler

What is Paganism

  • What IS Paganism ???

    Maiden, Mother, Crone  In my effort to increase awareness of Pagan and Neo-Pagan issues and foster a more accurate world-view of the beliefs and practices of Paganism and Neo-Paganism, I have created this area as an open platform to present and explore these issues from every prospective.

    Pagans do not "recruit" outsiders into their midst by promising a heaven or threatening a hell... those practices, obviously based in fear, only spawn misunderstanding.  Pagans or Neo-Pagans (generally) practice what is often referred to as "Earth Religions"

    In the not-too-distant past, pagan witches and mystics were burned at the stake, and some of our greatest teachers were ridiculed, rebuked and even crucified!  Thus, in the late middle ages, when the ruling political forces in Europe, came into major conflict with the powerful religious leaders of those times, Politics and Religion became "friends", and both were corrupted. The formation of This United States of America had (at the time) as much to do with religious freedoms as political. The "outcasts" of the time were those who believed in the "Earth Religions", as they were thought to possess magical powers. Those that were not burned and jailed were forced underground to practice their beliefs, and those teachings, coupled with other Ancient Mystery Schools beliefs (such as Masonic teachings) fall within the spectrum of these once illegal and feared practices. Interestingly, the majority of our "Founding Fathers" were secretly practicing Masons, and that symbology still exists on our paper currency today.

    Duality/Divinty  These practices and beliefs cause harm to no one, and the concepts behind the terms Pagan and Neo-Pagans are, in fact, older than mainstream religions and the political power systems on the planet today.  If there is one common behavior of all Pagans and neo-Pagans, it is NOT to follow a personal belief system simply because it is convenient to the King, or the Pope, or the Potentate, or even your mom and dad... it is to follow a belief system that is meaningful to our lives, ... so, we do tend to be a rather rebellious lot !
    Wicca is a Pagan religion
           This Pagan area is an open platform of communication and sharing.  A place where both we as Pagans and we as People come together and experience our similarities rather than emphasize our differences. There are as many paths to inner truth and understanding as there are people, and no-one outside of you  possesses your answers. Once you grasp "your truth", hold on to it tightly, let no-one take it from you, and need no-one to validate it for you.
    Seeking your own inner truth and living it honestly and completely is not only your right... it is your responsibility as a human being

      As Pagans and Neo-Pagans, some common ground we all share (to some degree) are;

    1. Pagans practice a variety of positive life affirming faiths that are dedicated to healing the people of the Earth as well as the Earth herself.  As such, we do not advocate or condone any acts that victimize others, including those proscribed by law. We absolutely condemn the practices of child abuse, sexual abuse, and other forms of abuse that do harm to the bodies, minds or spirits of individuals.

    Witches do not believe in Satan!2. Pagans do not acknowledge, believe in, or worship a "Satan" or "Devil". These are Old Testament Christian symbols that have been connected in many ways to Pagans and New-Pagans out of fear and misunderstanding. Pagans do not practice "Black Magick," or desecrate any person, place or thing.

    3.  Pagans do not proselytize. No-one will try to convince you to become a pagan.

    I will attempt to expand this section as time goes on.  If you have an Interest in Paganism, Wiccae, Witchcraft or Druidism, visit http://www.dynionmwyn.net

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