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Tammie, Rev Wonder

I had this dream

  • I had this dream, it was really strange:


    I woke up to a world where thoughts were controlled by people you didn’t even know.  Input was thrown at you from all point it seemed.  Visions of a reality “they” wanted you to believe.  Things like you weren’t able to figure out what was best for yourself and those you loved.  You were forced to be careful.  Independent thinking was shunned, and at time not allowed.  Seat belts had to be worn in cars or you got fined.  We had a vision of the world that was so far from the truth, that when the truth was shown many didn’t believe it.  It was a world where leaders promised to pay for things like health care, and people believed it.  Like the money would just appear from thin air.  It was a world where pharmacies were house in big opulent buildings, yet many people couldn’t afford the medicine they needed just to survive. 

    In this world were people that swore they were on the right hand of God, yet they bad mouthed their neighbors for their beliefs, shunned those in need only because they didn’t believe as they did.  They wrinkled their nose as a homeless person entered their place of worship and judged those around them by what they wore.  In this world there were people actually killing others because they had different beliefs, thinking they had a right to tell another how to find their faith. 

    In this world those that protected others felt they had done acts so terrible that they were doomed.  Not realizing that what they had done was just as it was supposed to be.  Those they saved would be forever grateful, and the powers that be smiled down on them for their acts of bravery, those things they did when they were so frightened they almost couldn’t see straight, but they did them anyway.  Parents protecting their children, policemen in the line of duty, soldiers of war, all heroes and all blessed.

    In this world parents weren’t allowed to reprimand their children, and people were afraid to help a stranger for feel of getting sued.  People felt forced to go against their basic human nature to bring aid to another all for fear of retribution. 

    This was a world where children would go out in it, and have problems, but there would be no one to offer solutions so they took a drug so it didn’t hurt their feelings so bad, and as time went on they could spend less and less time in this world because they never learned how to deal with others, and disappointments or learned to work through things, but instead they played on video games in alternate realities until they couldn’t stand the outside world at all.


    Then I woke to a world where people valued honor and love above all.  Where people offered a helping hand, not caring what others thought, only because it was the right thing to do.  A world where it was necessary to tend to yourself, and your family and at times your neighbors too, a world where you didn’t look for someone else to take care of you, or more yet, someone else to blame. 

    In this world people responded to a child’s cry with compassion and gentleness.  Where children were revered as our new hope, and not treated like “just one more thing to take care of”.   There problems listened to, understood and solutions found.  In this world not everyone got a trophy, not everyone excelled at all they tried.  It was to a point you let the child find what they are good at, what brought them happiness, so they could excel and know the feeling of accomplishment.

    In this world there are heroes, folks that do the right thing, not for recognition but just because it’s the right thing.  There were no banners, no commercials, no grand payments, just a smile and a thank you. 

    In this world those that truly understood love shared it.  They loved people unconditionally, and they did it because God showed them how.  It didn’t matter to them what you called God, but just that it was a way to find love.  There was no wrong way to worship as long as love was the key.   People stood together in good strong intent to make things better, from the smallest sharing of a smile to groups that helped enlightened folks to others plights, those that brought food  to the hungry, help to those in need.   Not to create a grand following, not to receive recognition, but to share what they know and what they have with those that need it.

    In this world the leaders were not trusted to solve all the problems.  It is known that power corrupts, and those of power seldom have the peoples best interests at heart.  So it is the individuals that keep caring, and hoping for a better world.  They share their thoughts and intentions hoping to grown a world with more kindness and understanding.

    In this world there are warriors, people of great conviction that help those in need, some by deed, some by word, and some by brute strength.  Warriors of great honor that feel a call to duty.  People often misunderstood by this need, but for those they help gratitude abounds.

    In this world you worked for what you wanted.  You toiled and actually knew you had to give something up to receive other things.  It would cost time, sweat, sometimes tears to get where you wanted to be.  You struggled, planned, did without to reach your goal.  People knew that is the way it should be, and they didn’t blame others when things didn’t work out, but they regrouped, found their strength and tried again.



    So now I wonder… both these dreams are reality.  And if so... how in the hell do you define reality for all people?  I guess to me it means it’s time to choose a side.