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Tammie, Rev Wonder

Rev. Wonder - Freedom

  • Rev. Wonder - Freedom


    Yet another lovely ride to the creek.  Haven’t been in a while, and was surprised at all the tall grasses, the massive blackberry bushes, and the meadow grass blowing back and forth in the light breeze.   My new spot is way overgrown so I head to my old favorite spot.  I can see where the water had gotten higher than usual, the berries and shrubs are flowering and the sweet smell of the blossoms fills the air.


    I get off my gentle steed and tie Rudy up to his tree.   He looks longingly at the tall grasses, but he won’t stick around and I have no need to walk out of that small canyon.  I promise him goodies later and sit at “my spot”.  The water isn’t moving fast, I feel no haste here, just noticing the larger pools of water that weren’t there before and the many pesky little sceeters and other flying insects.   I settle, say my prayer to be shown what I need to see and relax into the sounds of the creek.


    My mind goes to the friends I have online.  The connections, the feelings, the wondering how much is real.  We talk to each other often, but it can seem very distant, almost surreal.  But some,  some you connect with.  You feel their emotions when they sign in, can almost see the expressions on their faces as they are typing a story, or a happening for that day.   I wondered if these connections are “real”.  Sometimes you never meet these people, yet you share your kindness, your frustrations, and sometimes even your anger, just as you do with friends you can see and touch. 


    As these thoughts rolled through my mind a concept started to brew.  The connections we have with those on the net, they are usually, without prejudice.  We find open and honest ways to relate, otherwise we wouldn’t connect at all.   We can allow ourselves to deny those things in our past, the hurts and fears only because of the subtle thought that we may never really meet this person, you can start fresh.  They don’t know your mistakes and if you do share them, it’s a release, a comfort that they don’t judge you for them as they were not affected.   Sometimes those we connect to have lived much of the same type of life, and that is why the connection can be so strong.   But it’s more than that.  Its energy, spiritual, it’s our pure self they see.  Think about that.  And I wonder, how can we be that way in real life.  We have history, notions of how things should or shouldn’t be.  To live to truly spiritual existence, to ACCEPT people as who and what they are only because they are fellow human beings, to see the light, the dark, and know they are part of the whole, just as we are.  To know they serve their purpose even though we can’t imagine or won’t approve of what it is.  To allow the universe to be right, just, and knowing. 


    Many people say they do just that, until they are wronged.  Then it’s a different story.  There is anger, the bringing up of past experience, the need to judge them and yourself.  We are human after all.  We have things to work out, experiences to accept, lessons to learn.  But do we blame others for our pains?  Do we give the outside world that much power over us?  Or do we take those lessons, good and bad, and allow ourselves to grow from them. 


    I see our emotions flowing through us like a grid.  All our life force energy flows through this grid.  If a wrong has been done, often times a scar will appear.  It blocks that free flow of emotions, so if that same issue arises again, that blockage is felt, the flow interrupted, the pain returns.  Every time that blockage is hit the scar grows.  The only way to escape this pain, this lack of flow, is to forgive.  To allow the error to happen, accept that it did, give no fault and let it go.


     I know many people that have gone through emotional cleansing, it is the hardest thing you can ever do.  We wear our hurts, pains and misdeeds like a badge.  See what I have lived through!  Look now strong I am!  In doing that you allow the negative things that have happened to you to define you, honoring the hurts before the joys.   We sing songs of love and glory, we smile at the antics of a child, but when we look to ourselves, we see the scars, the pain, the lack of personal acceptance.  That to me is what holds us back for living a spiritual life.  A life of true freedom, a life where you allow yourself to always be your true self, not someone controlled from the past.