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Tammie, Rev Wonder

Empathic Connections

  • Wild Empath Chronicles – Empath Connections


    In life we meet many people, and a few will stay with us forever, some just in our lives to teach us things, and some to show us what not to do.  But I notice since being on empath sites there is varying degrees on these connections.


    There what I call conversation connections, when we chat with each other online there is a subtle connection to help gage emotional response, as you can’t see or hear the person to tell what is driving the responses.  They are light connections and are easily broken after the conversation is over.


    There is also a stronger connection, when folks are doing a full on reading.  Some are so good with their energy you can’t feel them “tap in”, others hit you like a bull in a china shop.  They can gage your emotional past, find the highest common denominator and tell things about you just by reading your energy and using their intuition.  Many can sense troubles, past issues, joys and certain experiences that they too can relate to.  There is a natural sequence of events for some things, and if the reader has knowledge of that sequence they can follow that line and make educated readings regarding such things.  I am not a great reader personally, and I wonder if you can only see things you have knowledge of and not things beyond your comprehension, as it would seem you wouldn’t know how to identify it.  It would come across as confusion and perhaps skipped over, or you could ask with what parts you do understand to get a clearer picture from the person you are reading.



    Empathic Connection

    And then there is the stronger of the connections.  I call it the empathic connection and it can be the most confusing of them all.  We all have different energy, and some mesh better than others.  But once in a while you will meet someone that really knocks your socks off.  The connection is so strong your head swims, your heart pounds; your mind is totally connected to them.  Sounds wonderful, exciting, you have met your soul mate!  But wait, this can’t be.  One is married, or older, or a myriad of things that can make this bonding very unacceptable.  The trauma starts, things are misunderstood.  How can this be happening?  Not now, I am happy in my relationship. 

    Relax if you can, it is not necessarily your soul mate connection, your twin flame, but it can still be something very special.  I see connections occur often in chat rooms, even though folks don’t say anything you can feel them drawn to each other.   Sometimes it is “the” one, most times it isn’t.   Most times it’s a natural occurring bond of energy, can’t say it’s totally scientific, but sure seem like it can be.

    If you find yourself in one of these situations, and if you stay on empath sites long enough, you will, back up a step, and look at what’s going on.  Try very hard to think logically.  We hear of magical bondings of long lost soul love, but who is to say you don’t have it now.  If you are married or in a relationship, remember why that relationship started in the first place, it was for the same reason!  Just because you met another you relate to so well, doesn’t undermined the relationship you are in already.


    There are many folks that are single and still looking for that special person.  They seek that special bond, and often times they find it in a person that is not available.  This can cause great trauma all the way around.  But we are smart people and know how to follow a moral code.  And know that if there is one person in all these billions of people you connect with, there will be another.  


    But I have seen relationships shattered over this kind of thing, and they did not go on to bond in heavenly bliss with the person they thought would complete their life.  The reason being is most times it is NOT love.  Not the love that builds relationships, it is an energy bonding of sorts.  That initial attraction like when you see a beautiful woman or a handsome guy, it sparks you.  But the energy connection although intense is just one part of your being.  There is still moral code, personality, and many other factors that go into finding that special person.


    I have seen folks fall in love after this initial blast.  But it’s very seldom.   They match up on all the other levels as well, and it is a beautiful thing.  I have also seen great friendships arise from this type of bond.  People you can talk to about anything because they understand you so well on that level.   Folks you can feel when their emotions are high, from thousands of miles away.  


    We are family here, and the reason we are so close is because of these types of bond, all on different levels, but still just as special.  Look at the people on this site, look how we “mesh”.  We are all so different, so spread apart, yet we find a way to relate in such a manner most will admit, that people here know them better than those that have known them all their life.  What a wonderful and amazing thing that is!