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Tammie, Rev Wonder

3 energies

  • 3 energies


    I was thinking about what makes us up, how we are 3 different parts and what they are for.  When you make a decision and mind, body and spirit all agree you know it’s the right one.  When you only please one or two of the 3 parts the other part goes wanting or worse is damaged.


    Physical energy, that amazing system of gears, pulleys and chemical reaction that make our bodies, is what causes movement.  The energy from the food we eat, is transformed in this well thought out machine into action.  We use our bodies force to move things, to carry us to our destination, to relate to other body’s needs.  We take so much for granted, the timing, the perfect way the DNA connects, the 10s of thousands of seemingly random chemical reactions that come from the simple act of eating, drinking and breathing.  It’s our bodies that bind us to the earth. She sustains our nutritional needs, gives us tools to keep us warm and sheltered. 


    Emotional energy is that energy from thought.  Thoughts become things.  It’s that simple.  We envision a life we want to lead and make it happen, for better or worse.  We make our reality.  Seldom do two realities totally mesh.  The logical find this odd as there is only one way that things can happen, but there are millions of ways to relate to those things.   I was at a seminar where a lady was taken outside of the room and asked what her favorite and least favorite foods were.  As she waited outside he told us the two foods, and gave us code words on which one to think of, and to picture her eating them.  When she entered he had her stand in the front of the room and started talking about irrelevant things.  When we thought of the favorite food she stood straight and tall, even had a smile on her face.  When we thought of her least favorite food she started to curl in on herself, looked down and eventually crossed her arms over her chest.  Not a word was spoken, and this wasn’t wishing great ill on her, just things she didn’t like or did like.  We have all been in situations where we were in the presence of someone that likes us and someone that doesn’t.  We are open to the kindness and very closed off to the negative feelings.  Emotions are stronger energy that people realize.   They are how we form our relationships, create our destiny, live our day to day existence. 


    Spiritual energy is that from the Source, that unseen entity of faith some call God, goddess, the gods, whatever you choose.  Make little difference in the big scheme of things as there is only one Source.   From this great well of love and wisdom is a most amazing energy.  When the other two energies are at odds, weakened, harmed; spiritual energy will prevail if you allow it.  It is an unlimited source at your call.   Most only call on it when in need, but it is available at all times, in your lightest and darkest hour.  We get despondent and feel we don’t deserve it, we grow happy and feel we don’t need it, yet it is there open and available to you at all times.  It’s that energy that allows a mother to life a car off her baby, that gives a soldier weary from exhaustion the ability to carry a friend to safety, it IS that energy that keeps you going when you feel all is lost.   Often times our plans didn’t work as we wished, or we listened to one part of ourselves so much the others suffered.  It is in these times our spiritual side stands strong to help carry us through the most trying times of our lives.  You meet people that have overcome great odds, they have faith they can do it, so they do. 


    When we keep these energies in balance we are at our peak.  We tend to the body, love ourselves and those around us and allow the flow of the Source to constantly be in our lives.  When we do the best with what we have to work with, there is nothing finer.