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Tammie, Rev Wonder

What I shared at church today :)

  • Balance


    They were safe for now. The large room had many arched windows letting in the light from the setting sun. The room was empty of all furnishings and the glare from the windows let the light dance on the dust motes in the air. The silence was complete as neither being spoke. Words were not necessary. Both beings had been brought to this plane without their knowledge. They knew not how to survive in this world. They were to observe, but not interfere.

    The pair stood in the middle of the room. The male was tall, over 7 feet; his wavy hair was pulled back in a leather thong, a small pony tail at the nape of his neck. From the back every muscle was defined, not large and bulky but the long lean muscle that shows strength and power. He appeared like a “Boris” painting from the seventies. He was unadorned as his kind had no need of cover, for protection or personal security. He felt no fear of death or pain. He was evil incarnate. His eyes were heavily hooded, a striking brow ridge above, and prominent cheek bones on either side of a nose that looked like a child threw a blob of clay at a wall hard enough to make it stick. A strong jaw bone gave a feeling of control and power. But the smile, the lips were full, teeth even and white. A smile to beguile the foolish into thinking just for a moment they were not doomed to death and mercy was at hand. His hands were large and powerful, long large knuckled fingers with yellow ridged pointed nails that resembled claws. His feet here quite long and at a run he stood on his toes, using that extra leverage for speed for extreme jumping height.

    She was a child of the earth, unable to harm another, a bringer of joy and hope. A slender woman, of above average height with long honey blond hair, the sun shine showing dancing light amongst her curls that fell to below her waist. Her unlined brow, was relaxed, her eyes liquid pools of green and held the innocence of a gentler time. Her smile was tentative, and although her features were fine, she was plain to view, but the beauty was shining through from the light within. Her fine bone structure showed no physical strength, but a weak continence, dressed in a simple blouse and flowing long skirt, her feet bare. She was a good being, not prone to ugliness or the unkindness of the age. Her expression showed confusion but no fear.

    For every evil he committed she had offered another solace from the pain. For every lie he told she showed a pleasing truth. For every pain he expressed to another, she shared a joy. They were exact opposites, for every weakness she had he was pure strength, and for every short coming he possessed she was blessed.

    They stood facing each other. He knew he needed her to survive in this world. His being would implode in this plane; the evil would destroy this body. He needed to continue to exist and he needed her to do this.

    She had the same problem. She was so innocent that this world would destroy her and would not be able to protect herself. She needed his strength to survive.

    They stepped to each other; he gently placed his palm to the back of her head and drew her to him. He placed her head to his chest and drew his other arm around her in a protective embrace. She placed her hand on his chest and held a tentative arm around his waist.

    He thought he was protecting her, and she was afraid he would leave her. He was here to give here strength and she there to accept his power. But truly his was a need for her love to temper his evil and she to share of herself freely to keep him alive.

    They had found what was necessary to maintain life; they surrender fully to each other and found the perfect balance.



    It seems we are in a constant need to “get centered”.  It’s about finding our balance.  I kept getting these little clues the past 2 weeks about how to share a concept and I hope this makes sense.


    We are born with 4 basic emotions, Love which for this talk is instinctual love, not Devine love as it has no opposite,  but instinctual love and it’s opposite, Fear.  Then we have Anger and its opposite Joy.

    Anger to help gather energy to protect ourselves and our loved ones, or even those that can’t protect themselves

    Fear to realize when the self is in danger, and to react accordingly

    Love to fill the void, to ease the soul, to join with others

    Joy to know you are on the right path, to feel accomplishment, to know happiness of being


    With these four emotions we can survive as human beings in this world.  As a child our experiences are few and these four emotions ping back and forth, creating a small amount of emotional energy.  A situation comes up, and we are pinged towards the emotion it triggers.  Now we have a broader range of emotion so when the opposing emotion is pinged, it too broadens out.  Just as contrast will make things appear brighter and darker so do the experiences of life. As we experience these things our emotions travel back and forth on broader spectrum, increasing in speed and intensity.  Stronger emotional energy is the end result. 

    Have you or someone you know been through a very tough situation, something that many people would dread or fear, only to come out stronger?  What does that really mean?  When we get past that trial when something positive happens strikes you stronger, you appreciate it more.   Those that live in total joy never knowing a harsh reality will be devastated by the simplest of things.  They don’t have enough information on how to handle such things as their experiences in that venue are few.

    As we grow and learn we can fall into the trap of accepting the man-made emotions.  These are all forms of entitlement.  We are not due anything we didn’t earn, but at times we fall into the entitlement trap.  These man made emotions are called the 7 deadly sins.  But I think in this case sin means to not be true to yourself.

    1.            Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God.  IE ego

    2.            Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

    3.            Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires

    4.            Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

    5.            Wrath is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury

    6.            Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual.

    7.            Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

    All based on staying interior and giving into unhealthy self-gratification.  We have all battled these 7 deadlys a time or two… or three.  Some say this is the evil we are fighting here on earth, the inability to accept our place here on earth.  We all have a part to play in this life, and if we do our best we will feel at peace with that place.  But as soon as you decide you are due more, “entitled” the 7 deadlys take over and you lose your place and no longer play your part.


    Then we have the 7 heavenly virtues. I believe these are man-made as well as they help us deal with overwhelming situations.

    1.Faith is belief in the right things (including the virtues!).

    2.Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail.

    3.Charity is concern for, and active helping of, others.

    4.Fortitude is never giving up.

    5.Justice is being fair and equitable with others.

    6.Prudence is care of and moderation with money.

    7.Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed.


    Where the seven deadlys don’t take much thought, for some reason the 7 virtues do.  I believe its because they come in times of need, those times when you wonder what the heck happened.  On this planet people can be quite unaware of their effect on others, some only worry about their next triumph or need.

    If we honored the 7 virtues while not in a state of need we would see how easily they do come to us, how right they always feel.  Might be something to think about now and then.


    Now how does the emotional balance differ in empathic folks or those more sensitive?  Where an instance may broad a horizon a little in some people, it can be devastating or positive in a huge way in others.  Now we have a larger spectrum, more energy bouncing back and forth, higher content, higher energy. 


    So now you hold amazing amounts of emotional energy, what do we do with it!

    ANGER…. Have you ever been so mad just so pissed that you are waking through a crowd and you realize that folks are keeping their distance, it’s like it parts at your coming can closes at your passing.  ANGER is a very high intensity emotion.  It’s for protection, injustice.  You ball your fists, and hold them down by your sides, you are gathering base chakra energy, you are spinning that energy into a firestorm, it shows on your face, in your voice, you stance.  ANGER… is it bad?  Nope, not if controlled.  Its important, a way to shield from negative energy, a way to withhold in places you should be contained, a way to protect yourself and others.  (a side note to empaths, if you are around this kind of energy, and don’t want to take it in, don’t wonder about it, why they are angry, or if you can help, as soon as you do you open up a connection to it, and you have accepted it.  If you can see such a thing and just ho hum it off, in a wow, sucks to be them attitude you won’t draw it in)

    JOY!  OMG Joy!  That sense of accomplishment, that marvel of the miracles you see on a daily basis.  That feeling of adrenaline as you are charging your steed up a winding path in the woods, the wind in your hair the shared power of the horse, the feeling of flight, the miracle that such a thing is even offered to you!  JOY,  that sharing of yourself, completing a project, sharing a smile!  Joy will draw people to you, as you emote this intense but light energy young kids notice, people in need of a pick me up notice, you draw them too you and your joy is compounded in the sharing.  Joy .. is it good?  Most times, however you still need to control it as well, or people will draw to you and drain you. 

    Fear… Oh my fear.  Insecurity, weakness, run before it’s too late.  Fear that emotion that keeps us (well some of us) from doing stupid things that can harm us.   .  You stand in front of people and worry what they think, instead of being who you are.    Fear, that weary notice of unkind people, that knowing.  What fear draws to you is predators.  When in fear mode you are most definitely prey.  You have lost confidence. Those of an unkind nature will take advantage of that prey status.  It’s what calls it to you.  You fear it and it will come. The other thing that fear will draw to you is protectors if they are around, people that instinctually come to another’s aid if they are able to help. 

    Love, that emotion that fills in those voids that fear has found.  Love of self, that knowing you are important to someone somewhere, that open heart that shines for those they care about.  Love that gentle glow that surrounds you and those around you. It calls to everyone in need, or those that share, the light energy that keeps us going, draws us together, helps us help others.  Love starts inside with ourselves, then shines through our pores through our smile, shared in everything we do, and everyone we touch.  Instinctual love also needs to be controlled so it doesn’t turn into a fearful love.  It has to be allowed to be accepted or rejected… just so it’s always flowing is what is important.


    The balance is made with all 4 emotions.  You can’t say you never get angry, we all do, you can’t say you don’t fear, we all do, you can’t say you don’t feel joy, we all do, you can’t say you don’t feel love, we all do

    But if you have just enough anger to keep your confidence, enough fear to keep you from doing harmful things, enough joy to feel complete and enough love to share, to me… that’s perfect balance.




    I can no longer juggle,

     I have dropped all my balls

    I can’t seem to be able,

    To make sense of it all


    There is no real torture,

    There is no harsh pain

    There is no real freedom,

    No hope to be gained


    The choice not so simple

    All hearts they do call

    To stand up and fight

    To lay down and fall


    Defeat is the winner

    Defeat is the end

    Or  to rise up and shine

    With help from your friends


    To throw out your feelings

    Your kindness and love

    To see it returned

    Gives hope from above


    It’s sent to the ones

    That make you feel right

    Some send it back

    Some hold to it tight


    But just so it’s flowing

    Is important you see

    We all take our chances

    There is no guarantee


    But never is it sent

    Without thought or without care

    It’s meant to be welcomed

    It’s meant to be shared


    The true test it is coming

    To see where you stand

    We get what we give

    Not what we demand


    So sometimes we step forward

    Sometimes we step back

    And we are forever seeking

    Those things we lack