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Tammie, Rev Wonder

Spiritual Battle

  • I wanted to talk today about the great date set by the ending of the Mayan calander.  I am not one much for drama, or seeking meaning in dates as so many are.  I fear that when you look at one date so hard, you miss daily opportunities just by looking forward and not giving full attention to right “now”.

    So I was searching google for the passage in the bible about the destruction of the towers of gold, and was going to relate it to the 9/11 massacre.  I read it once and thought it was in Ezekiel, but when I search for it I couldn’t find it.  I was going to ask if prophecy brought the action, or the action brought the prophecy.  But as usual I plan, and God laughs and shoots me into another direction.  I came upon Isaiah 30, a passage of a nation that had gone corrupt, that people rose to power with deceit and other unkindness’s, and it was accepted as a proper way to financial growth.  But there was this one part that struck me, kind of blind sided me.  Although it was speaking of the people of Egypt, I found it quite fascinating.

    Go now, write it on a tablet for them,
        inscribe it on a scroll,
    that for the days to come
        it may be an everlasting witness.
    For these are rebellious people, deceitful children,
        children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction.
    10 They say to the seers,
        “See no more visions!”
    and to the prophets,
        “Give us no more visions of what is right!
    Tell us pleasant things,
        prophesy illusions.
    11 Leave this way,
        get off this path,
    and stop confronting us
        with the Holy One of Israel!”

    12 Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel says:

    “Because you have rejected this message,
        relied on oppression
        and depended on deceit,
    13 this sin will become for you
        like a high wall, cracked and bulging,
        that collapses suddenly, in an instant.
    14 It will break in pieces like pottery,
        shattered so mercilessly
    that among its pieces not a fragment will be found
        for taking coals from a hearth
        or scooping water out of a cistern.”

    The wall cracked and bulging, like our current state of the nation, perhaps the world.  So much distress, so much unkindness, such a lack of understanding.  It hurts my heart to see what I see, to feel what I feel, yet it grows, the moral decay, the spiritual battle.  Those of you that know me, know I am not one to preach the word, nor do I speak of the dark side of life often.  I am an optimist, a believer in mankind, yet at times I am sadly amazed at what people feel they are entitled to and how so many can not take care of themselves.   “not a fragment will be found for taking coals from a hearth, or scooping water out of a cistern.” Warning that all will be broken and the need will be to start anew, with nothing but your wits, and love to get you by.  Sometimes that sounds so good to me.  To get back to the basics, the real reason we are here, the job of people being people, not monsters, cads and fools.

    Hmmm enter the light workers!  Those that seek to remind the world of love of self and love of others.  Those that heal with word or deed, shining their light in the dark for those that care to see, and those that seek hope, they are God’s gift to humanity at times, but the price they pay is steep.  They live a life of love and peace, and are trod on often.  Living by the golden rule, hoping others do the same, seeking only to share light and love.  Many say they have been “awakening” to raise the vibration of mankind to get ready for the next big shift.  Seeing what I see, and feeling what I feel, I am not so sure this is true.  I think they are here to bring the human race back to the status quo, not a great leap, but a great balancing.  Of course this is not a popular notion as we all want to progress, however we forget or fail to realize, we are only as strong as our weakest among us.  Only as strong as the weakest link in the chain of human consciousness.

    Many find joy at the possible coming of help from the outer realms.  This would indeed be a wonderful thing, yet not one person I have talked to seems to realize how upsetting this should be.  We are brilliant people, with great minds and big hearts, why do we need help?  We should be able to do this ourselves.  But it’s the moral decay, the spiritual battle that we fight every day of our lives that has brought us to this point. 

    I was born in the late 50’s.  I grew up in the 60’s.  A person’s handshake was their bond, it was an honorable world, where people kept their word, they didn’t enter into negotiations lightly and would be devastated not to be able to keep their word.  Soon it became the fool that thought someone would keep a promise with not but a handshake and verbal contract.  Then it became the norm to justify a falseness saying, “well if you were stupid enough to believe me, you deserve what you got”.  The goodness of people was systematically stripped from them.  Those that did harm were not called out for it, they were seen as heros for changing the status quo.  There golden rule was “do unto others, before they do unto you.”  This became the new normal. 

    When I was growing up, divorce was news, children losing their virginity was hushed, the silent hope they would wait till marriage happened more often than not.  Those of you that know me, see this as hypocritical, and yes I didn’t live the “proper” life, but I took responsibility for all I had done, never thinking anyone would do for me what I could do for myself.   Now there are no rules, no standards.  We are free! People shout.  Religion is bad, they force you to behave, and they are hypocrites,  preists harm children, muslims are terrorists.  All faiths of peace and love have been torn apart, infiltrated by ugliness and greed.  How did this happen?  Where do we turn?  Awe, yes the media and popular movie stars paid to read scripts of what is right and wrong.  Newscasters that don’t have any idea what they will say until they read it on a teleprompter.    I remember when reporters were also newscasters, Howard Cronkite, was a in the treaches reporter before he did the news.  He knew of what he talked about.  Now they just read what is put in front of them, and we are supposed to believe it.

    Spiritual battle.  It sucks, a lady spills coffee on herself and sues for millions.  How did that ever become a legitimate way to behave?  What happened to work hard to reap your reward.  Now we see someone in trouble and helping them isn’t the first thing that you think of, its “will I get sued for this?”. 

    Spiritualist, spirit, looking for what you can’t see.  Yet we can’t look at what our race has become.  We are Spiritualists!  It is our spirit that should come first, the inner workings of our friends and neighbors!  Yes its great to see the other side, yes its great to know your guides, to be aware of those things most can’t see. But what good is it if we aren’t aware of the simple truths.

    Enter the Light Warriors.  Those that speak the truth even when its not popular.  Those that see both the dark and the light.  Those that will say what must be said, even if not popular.  The truth can be painful, it can be beautiful, but it is what it is.  You can’t go around it, you can’t sidestep it, you either live in the truth or in your “own” world.  Hmm what is truth?  There are some basic truths all agree on, some many don’t see. Light warriors are driven to expose both good and bad.  They are the light workers helpers, were one is busy working on shining their light and love, the other is working on showing the truth, through the Christ white light and Divine love. Both so needed so necessary, both often times misunderstood.

    My favorite passage of the Bible is this:

    Eph 6:10-17 (NIV) ...Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    Now many aren’t Christian and they have no use for The Word, but some of it is quite universal to me and this part is going to be necessary in the days to come.  Make no mistake, we are in the throes of a spiritual battle, here in our souls, here on the earth, here in the astral.  On which side will you stand. 

    I have wondered if the looming date of 12/21/12 will be a strong day because it has been prophesize as a day of action, or if the action will because of the prophecy.  There are no mistakes, no accidents, so only time will tell. 


  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel people excited about leaving this place, but yet, why would we be given another place if this is what we do here? Why would God change us when we won't change ourselves? If the uncrossed remain earthbound, yet those who did cross over, come back, or maybe...  more
    November 16, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Tammie, Rev Wonder
    Tammie, Rev Wonder I am not much for the date per se, but the concept. But you get that Angel. :) You see more than I, but we agree, aint no one going to greater heights until the lessons are learned here. I miss our conversations, you always make me think.
    November 16, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG Before the first world war when 40 Millions died, there was evil so to speak, Before the second world war when 78 Millions died...more evils. The earth at the rate we are growing, will consume 5 times its resources in 2050. The end of the world will be of...  more
    November 17, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG Forgot to write, Live and enjoy today and .....LOL
    November 17, 2012 - 1 likes this