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Tammie, Rev Wonder

Elemental Grounding

  • Elemental Grounding


    There are those that have trouble meditating.  They say they can’t get grounded.  There are some folks that can’t or won’t naturally ground to the earth.   There are other methods to ground, and some can be done rather quickly in stressful situations

    Lets start with a little chemistry lesson… shall we?   The body is made up of Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen…these 4 elements make up 99% of every living thing on earth. 





    Everything thing we eat is broken down into these 4 elements to produce energy.  A sugar molecule has 6 carbons, 12 hydrogen, 6 oxygen.  Protein 2 carbons, 5 hydrogen, 2 each of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Carbohydrate is 12 carbons, 22 hydrogen and 11 oxygen.   What we eat provides the emotional energy we use.  Just look what happens to a child on sugar overload, and then the big crash!  Think about what we put our bodies through eating all the nonorganic foods we do.   Btw the definition of “organic” is  An organic compound; or any substance containing carbon-based compounds, especially produced by or derived from living organisms.  

    We are carbon based life forms only because carbon is the only element that can bond to itself to form large chains.  Without it we would still be single celled.  So going beyond that, we are made from the earth, all these elements are found in the earth’s crust.  I have heard we are made of dust, and so it appears it’s true.

    So basically we are allowing our energy to be called back to where it came from when we ground.



    Grounding is the act of gathering your energy.  We find we need grounding when we get scattered, too many projects, and too much outside influence.  Grounded to the point of focus, and control

    Fire, not a great grounding element.  Fire is an action element.   It can be used with other elements, but for now let’s set it aside.  We are looking for ways to calm the energy at this point.

    Air, the gentle flow.  The breath is the beginning of all grounding.  Slow even breathing, gentle tempo, even the counting of breath will help calm the mind, ease the body and therefore sooth the soul.  Some folks are air type people, and breathing is enough to ground them to a sense of calm.   This could be done anywhere, in a meeting, at the mall, during a walk, anywhere.  In times of stress it’s great to take a few deep breaths, to slow the world down just a bit and give you a chance to greater awareness.

    Water, going with the flow.  Water the earth’s gift of flowing joy.   Many people can meditate and gently follow the flow of liquid calm.  Personally I enjoy the heck out of meditating by a stream.  Water people are movers, they travel in fluid movement. So to try and connect with a nonmoving object like the earth would be quite hard for these folks.   In times of strife and in places where going to a stream is not possible, running water over your wrist in a washroom will help gather the energy and focus. Or a nice cool glass of water will help as well, however I have found that water on the skin and then going down the drain acts of a “cord” of sorts to grounding to the earth, if that makes sense.

    Now of course the earth, she holds us securely and accepts the bad with the good.  Many send a chord through their body to the earth like tree roots.  Personally I like to send my energy to the center of the earth, to the fiery core, and then back through me to the sun.  I am grounded by fire at both ends, earth, water and air in the middle.  I like having the action of fire at both ends, but that’s just me J

    Do you know if you are a fire, air, water or earth person?  Some folks go by their birth signs,

    THE FIRE ELEMENT: (ARIES March 21-April 19, LEO July 23-August 22, SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21)

    THE ELEMENT AIR: (GEMINI, May 21-June 21, LIBRA, September 23-October 22, AQUARIUS, January 20-February 18)

    THE ELEMENT WATER: (CANCER, June 22-July 22, SCORPIO, OCTOBER 23-November 21, PISCES February 19-March 20)

    The element earth: (TAURUS, April 20-May 20, VIRGO, August 23-September 22, CAPRICORN December 22-January 19)


     some go by palmistry. 


    1. 7

    Determine the hand shape. Each hand shape is associated with certain character traits. The length of the palm is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers.

    • Earth - broad, square palms and fingers, thick or coarse skin, and ruddy color; length of the palm equals length of fingers
      • Solid values and energy, sometimes stubborn
      • Practical and responsible, sometimes materialistic
      • Work with their hands, comfortable with the tangible
      • Air - square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, and dry skin; length of the palm less than length of fingers
        • Sociable, talkative and witty
        • Can be shallow, spiteful and cold
        • Comfortable with the mental and the intangible
        • Does things in different and radical ways
      • Water - long, sometimes oval-shaped palm, with long, flexible, conical fingers; length of the palm equals length of fingers but is less than width across the widest part of the palm
        • Creative, perceptive and sympathetic
        • Can be moody, emotional and inhibited
        • Introverts
        • Do things quietly and intuitively.
      • Fire - square or rectangular palm, flushed or pink skin, and shorter fingers; length of the palm greater is than length of fingers
        • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic
        • Sometimes egoistic, impulsive and insensitive
        • Extroverts
        • Do things boldly and instinctively



    Some say there are two other elements, wood and metal.  I can see how this can be great for grounding.  There is nothing finer than leaning up against a tree, sitting in the dirt and allowing the tree to help you ground.  They are really good about that.

    Now there is metal., mostly a male grounding tool.  I know that sounds odd, but think about it, in the old days it was the sword.  Daily work outs using the sword and enjoying the beauty of the movement is a great grounding technique.  Now days it’s all about working on machinery, cars, etc.  Tinkering is also a great grounding method.

1 comment
  • Rakta Yogi
    Rakta Yogi It sounds that I may need to carry water with me. Although I am full of the stuff. Hmm...
    December 1, 2012