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Keisha Merchant

Sex Roels: Women Sexuality


    It is in our righteous opportunity to create, and access to that opportunity is our investment that will lead us into eternal life.

                    This women’s work by Maxwell is hard on a man is the lyrics of this beautiful song.  I know you got allot of strength left, a little life in you yet.  This is an amazing song!  I am definitely in love with this song, and every day I dream in this meditation of this song that I am able to express the levels of the spirit the pain of losing out on love is the greatest mystery of all time.  Women are more than a price.  She is definitely worthy of her value in this position as an equal in life.  Men are either open minded or close minded to the ideas of equality, but it still remains the fact that equality will come for women and men and all species to reside in this house we call the planet earth.  In our duty and obligation to create a safe space for all people to find their sexuality and in that house of love, give them safe journey to express themselves without the threat of neglect and abuse.  It is in the sexuality of safe practices, loving grace that one needs to provide for their family, body and mentality, the heart of the matter in the spirit, the person is allowed the rite passage to create a new world within their own abilities to be employed by their own mastery of social change and progress.  It is in my mind that women sexuality is an absolute must to be within the paradigms of the new ages of generations to come that gather for the sake of loving grace that they spend their lives learning, growing and maturing in the house of redemption and grace, mercy and sound judgment of justice.  The ideas that float in my mind in my meditation are that our sex roles should not be limit to two expectations of masculinity and femine, but unity.  It is in unity that we are able to remain the essence of exploration and shared complexities of worth, value and struggle to maintain that functionality of texture of love and levels of forgiveness and struggle for trust, integrity and diversity of culture and multicultural expressions of individuality yet collaboration of unified sensations of passion and compassion.

    I trust in time that women sexuality will not pass away, neither will unity, but the sex roles will expand, and innovate or mingle with each in the dynamics of expression and liberation of free will of change, growth and evolving of matter and form.  It is in my mind that as clay we master our crafts to change our sexualities as need be or remain as we desire to be, but all is given the room and space to transform as they are given the right and privilege of expression to cocoon and morph into the being they have longed and hungered to become.  It is in my mind education give us that liberation of expression without suffocating us with the division and separation of titles, grading formulas that chemically bind us in uncomfortable realities of self-mistrust and dehumanizing our own rite passage of expression and artistry to create.